STS Problems, Superior Tactical Solutions, in Henderson KY

NMW, whining? i am in the business too and when you tell someone you will complete a job by a certain time i do everything in my power to have it done. a week or two is one thing but a couple months, especially when he paid the man extra to have it done. come on now. and a 230 dollar trigger broken in the process. i would be doing a hell of alot more than what you call whining
My attorney (out of Jackson, MS) contacted the nearest ATF office (maybe Ohio?), I am not sure where that was, but not too close to Henderson. I am not sure what happened after that, but I got teh guns back within a few weeks after 5 months on the three week job that I paid extra to expedite.

I would like to say STS does great work, but I can;t tolerate being mislead and ignored many time over, for any reason, and good product does not trump bad service in my book.

To others with similar problems, it took an official letter from my atty and a few converstations between my atty and STS b/f any action took place.

Ocnce again, I am just glad to have my two guns back (even with the sheared off Jewell trigger).
I got my rifle back

I recieved my rifle back on thursday afternoon about a week and a half after i contacted the kentucky state police. The rifle looks absolutly beautiful. such a shame that some one with so much knowledge and talent has so horrible communication and customer service skills. If anyone else has issues getting their stuff back from brad at superior tactical solutions. contact Lt. Isbill (270) 826-3312 of the kentucky state police henderon location. Good luck
you are an apologist for a dishonest company. Congrats!

I can't stand whiners so forgive me, when I see missloumud whatever whining about his rifles. The purpose of a firearm is to always go bang. It sounds like this guy wants a miracle. You can't go wrong with STS. Excuse the grammar but this pisses me off.

Not a mention that STS LIED to the original poster. Time after time, they flat out lied to him. Kept his money AND his goods, until he got a lawyer involved.

That sort of "service" would be THEFT in your (claimed) line of work.

You whine about the negative publicity your pals at STS are getting, when they are lucky they were not arrested for fraud. Pathetic.
I am very happy I have found an excellent gunsmith within a reasonable driving distance and meets delivery commitments.

Excuses and associated delays in delivery, and shipping of a firearm is a thing of the past and adds to my peace of mind.

Thought provoking questions:

Could delays in delivery be due to lack of cash flow? - or - Could delays of delivery be due to lack of skill in communication? - or - Could delays of delivery be due to lack of organization?
P Corncob Bob

Good gunsmiths that do quality work, and on time are rare indeed. I have been lucky also to find a good one who will do everything it takes to have the work done when promised, but I also understand that there are things he or I cannot control. But when this happens, He is very honest about it. Should not have taken the steps he had to go through to get the work done or the weapons returned. IMO.

On your thought provoking questions I think you missed one !

Or all of the above. :rolleyes: This would be the correct one in my opinion :D

Very good point, on one I may have missed.

Could delays of delivery be due to having an emergency/disaster continency plan in place?

Businessman that are passionate about and depend on their business should have one in place.

This places as little of negative impact on them if something outside of their control should happen.