Street Address for the Barn:

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I arrived late today and after a good Bar_B_que dinner got into my Motel. I would like the street address of the Rock River Barn if someone has it please.


It wasn't clear to me from the printed directions if one accesses the Barn from Plank Road or Rock River Road but I got all day - - - - :)


I beleive you travel south on Plank Rd, and turn left of Rocky River Road. The driveway is on the right. The had a sign by the Drive the last time I was there.

Here's waht I copied off the web site
" From the North, Go straight onto Plank Road for about 1 Mile to Rocky River Springs Road. Turn Left onto Rocky River Springs Road.
Go about 3/4 Mile and turn right on a gravel driveway, LOOK For RBA Sign.
There will be a gray vinyl house on the corner.
Barn is about One Quarter Mile from the Hwy. "
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Barn Hints:

1. Shoot at 9:00 AM, Noon and 5:00 PM
2. Try dif. speeds of ammo at each time
3. Change benches often
4. Shoot next to a wall and just for grins shoot a group when the wind is flexing the wall
5. Note the temp. change when you walk down range and are the ribbons fluttering

Tell Bob Collins, Dan K and Don Stith that Al Kunard says Hey.

Good luck
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I didn't see the above answere before I left this morning. I did find the Barn. I happened to see the RBA sign so thought I would check it out. I tested all day and saw some wierd things happen as I had been warned would happen. I am only here to experience this and to find some good ammo, which I did today for one of the rifles. I also think I found out one of my scopes went South; not pleasing, I must say. Nice facility but I think they would be better to not run the Stove.

Thanks for the answers. Fred, the directions you provided are good ones.
