Senile Member
Wrong!! The NRA still supports universal background checks (UBC) but I don't.Wayne LaPierre testified (in 1999 I think) that the NRA endorsed universal background checks for all firearms sales including gun shows. I recently saw the tape of his testimony and he left no doubt about their endorsement. Now, of course, the NRA has changed its mind.
Today, NRA president David Keen, meeting with the Christian Science Monitor breakfast group, stated several times that the NRA still supports that effort even though he feels it is a fruitless effort since the critical names will not ever be put in that system.
Tuesday ??, NRA Executive VP Wayne LaPierre, testifying before the DiFi gun grabber committee in the US Senate expressed the same feelings.
Why do they still continue to support the UBC? If there were some way to get the criminals in that system it might be partially effective.
Why do I not support a UBC? Because it is a "feel good" project that will never work.
Columbines mass killings by a known wacko and the Sandy Hook mass killing by another known wacko, neither were in the current UBC system.