STONER AR-10 Serial No 002



Little off topic for this site, BUT, Iam sure there are a couple of collecters ,history buffs,or someone who knows one on here.


So look what dropped out of the Blue.....check out that serial number

Story is

A good friends buddy died, he was it seems a closet collector. Wife opened up his gun safes and there is 150 of various assault type rifles. Every country is represented. Buddy went and helped her get them secured and another gentleman is assesing the values. She gave this to him for his efforts. Well after looking closely he relized what this really is. Wants to get a value before aproaching the museum that collects these.(knight industrie now?) He is giving his buddies wife the proceeds as she really doesnt have much, and he doesnt need it. He IS a real nice guy. Any help guys?

and yes, as it turns out, this looks to be one of 5 original "proof of concept" prototypes (by Eugene Stoner himself) for the US army bid in 58-59, Not 100% but prettty sure, info supportive or objective is welcome.
Very interesting..............

I saw a silent clip once of an infantryman, (may even have been filmed on the California coast long ago), emerging from the surf while firing one of these, but I believe it had a synthetic stock, one of the later Dutch-produced examples. There was no doubt, evidenced by the recoil, and ejected cases, that it was 7.62; Anyway, it turned out the "infantryman" was Stoner himself, I was told.

Too bad he was such a staunch supporter of the .30 cal. at that time, things could have turned out very different for him, and the .30 could have been put on the back burner for awhile, until it was called for later, as it has been now.

Thanks for sharing, I'm always interested in seeing things like this, while looking back and thinking, "what if....?"
I have only seen a few -two Ar-10's in Alberta many years ago .

This is a promotional film for the Armalite AR-10.

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Commercially, the AR-10 was a flop, especially considering it was often "toured" with AR-15s. Apparently, the Armalite salesman had two cans (cases?) of 7.62 NATO ammo he never could find shooters for. This ammo was finally given away (i.e., not fired through an AR-10).
Stoner himself was more interested in the 7.62mm cartridge and was working on the rifle that would become the AR-16. He turned the development of a small caliber high velocity (SCHV) cartridge and rifle over to Robert Enewold. In 1957 the AR 10 was modified to fire the 222 Remington cartridge. The cartridge could not meet the Infantry Boards requirements for penetration and so it was "tweaked" to a longer case length. The longer cartridge was first called the 222, then the 222 Special, then 223. The rifle, of course, would become the AR-15 and the cartridge the 5.56 x 45.

Winchester was working on their own cartridge called the 224 Winchester, and Springfield Armory on another called the 224 Springfield. The Winchester cartridge was dropped and the Springfield cartridge became the 222 Remington Magnum.

Springfield cartridge on far right, Winchester second from right.

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You certainly have me curious. You didn't provide us with much detail. What exactly is not what it appears to be, and why?

Its not what it appeareres to be. OK then what it is it. You gotta love people that know all but like to keep it to themselves EXCEPT for a little bit of info. that sneeks out!
It's not what it appearers to be.

TRA, really need to know. Ill go over to the other boards and post, but if you have some imput, it would really be appreciated. Some serious interest from the holder of #001 and #003 at a museum. Apparently you dont want to fire these, as there is something about problems.

If it IS what it appears to be, need to get a value, as the widow gets the proceeds. if its not, then the buddy gets a fun rifle to play with. Thanks for the input gentlemen.
That gun is from the 1980's. The company that's name on it was started in 1985. It's a copy, not a Stoner or a Armalite. Definitely not 1950's vintage.

FWIW, I'd be checking and making sure it does not have any full auto, parts in it.
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I'm not qualified to have a meaningful opinion but that doesn't look like a prototype to me. The wood definitely looks 80's vintage. I'd check it out as TRA says.

Hey, if it really IS a prototype, YAHOOOO!!!!

More than likely it's made up of Portuguese or Sudanese parts and a copied receiver. The one in the picture is cast. There were numerous companies buying these parts on the scrap market and building up copies of AR10's. The company, Chasan in FL, there was one in Ohio and one in Kentucky, one was BumbleBee Dist.??? ,also Paragon marketed an XM10.

How about a couple of photos of the back half of the receiver?

There is plenty of experts on the internet that can tell you exactly what you have and it may even be of some value. You will need to search them out. It's just not going to be the Gold Mine you first thought, sorry.

Thanks, Buddy is flying back home next week. The guy/organisation in Viginia who has #001 and #003 is coming down to his place to look at it. Ill see if he can send a couple more pics back. Ill update this when i find out. The info helps, was really hoping the widow might get a decent amount on this, but this helps keep it real.