Stan Ware passes

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
Stan Ware, owner and operator of S.G.R. Custom Rifles in Westbrook, Mn. passed from this life on March 17th.

There's so much to say about Stan that it's hard to know where to start. He was not only a precision machinist, but a gunsmith in the truest sense of the word. His gunsmithing career ran the gamut from high end trap shotguns, light weight highly accurate hunting rifles (long before light weight rifles were the craze), near Benchrest-accuracy live varmint guns, and Benchrest rifles. Stan Ware 'smithed guns brought home Grand Slams in sheep as well as National Championship wins and many, many yardage and Grand Agg wins in registered Benchrest tournaments.

Lots of stories to tell and times to remember. But that can come later. Right now, it's hard enough just to get this out.

Stan, the World was truly a better place for you having been here. Thank you for all you did, my friend.
Oh man, what a time to check in to the forum. I am very sorry to hear of Stan’s passing. I’ve only knew Stan for about 20 years but in that time came to know he was a proud father and respected man. He was a union pipe fitter. He was a machinist, gun builder, gunsmith. I was fortunate to have met him.
I have a suspicion/fear that people such as Stan Ware aren't being replaced as they pass.
Sorry to hear of the passing of Stan. When I first came to this forum a decade or so ago, I always appreciated Stan's insight and knowledge. My prayers and thoughts to the family and friends.
Sorry to read this. I liked Stan a bunch and greatly enjoyed meeting him in person but always enjoyed the forum and email chats. The good die young.
