
WAY TO GO Fellow Canucks.................................. Congratulations to both of you. Actually to ALL competitors.

Great job George an Vera!!! Couldn't happen to a nicer man!! See ya'all at Western Wayne and Holton.

Jeff Aberegg
Congratulations to George! It could not happen to a nicer guy (and superb shooter). Vera shot great all week too. Wonderful.

Gene Bukys was 2nd (by less than .001 I heard) and Bart was third.

George and Vera are great people and we here in Canada are so proud of them. Way to go Carter's.

Gary Cain

If it was .001 you know that it was 20 times the .001 for the 20 groups shot. great shooting by all Tremendous win George, half my relatives live in Canada between Quebec and Maine. Great 4 days another one for the Super Shoot history books. What number Super Shoot was this one, if No 38 then the first Super Shoot was 1972.

Hey what's cookin at Raton today with the Best in the West Shoot 3 day Shoot May 29-30. Think your bud Ocock is there.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Congratulations George and Vera, never a more deserving couple. You did good and Canada finally has a win at the Super Shoot in more ways than one.
Great shooting George and Vera.
I left before the results came out.
Tim B.
congratulations George for the win and Vera and George for the husband and wife win, you folks deserve it, both dedicated shooters and very nice people to boot.

Dan Honert
what a nice feeling it would be to win such a prestigious shoot. I bet they are on cloud nine!! Congrats!! Bravo!!! I am happy for them and i havent even had the pleasure. Hope everyone has a safe trip home! Lee
Way to go George!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a surprise when I got to my computer this morning after the long weekend. Great shooting to both you and Vera. Well deserved.

Also good jobs done by Bart and Gene. I really thought Bart would prevail.

See you soon,
Way to go George!

When you have a group of shooters who shot as consistent as the top 4 did (carter, buckys, sauter, scarbrough) it's a shame someone has to lose.
