Do you prefer the angled body or straight body? Thanks, P
Pete, I prefer the straight bodies - this beacuse I use them for hunting also, and find it easier to "get 0n" a distant object. Over a decade ago, I purchased a Swarvoski (St) 80 MM, which, other than being HUGE, is an excellent scope. I made the purchase beacuse, I'm stubborn - not a single retailer/sales person either could or, would, provide an objective comparison of RESOLUTION . . . I'll skip the boring details and state that, upon receiving the BIG Swaro, and comparing it to Mike Bigelow's NIKON
ED 20x45x -60MM Field Scope, using several resolution charts, in broad day-light, the much less costly and compact NIKON was dead-equal to the Swarovski
! Well, except that, on the USAF chart, the NIKON clearly out resolved the Swaro when viewing YELLOW.
For all but the first/last few minutes of day-light, the smaller scope performs right with the BIG BULKY Swarovski, which is a pain to tote while searching for BIG mule deer!
And, in those brief conditions, a spotting scope is of little importance - we sure don't encounter near-darkness in benchrest tournaments!
Oh, MIke usually keeps his NIKON set <30X, and frequently "makes calls" for people who, via their BIG 80s (name the brand) cannot distinguish whether a shot clipped, or, missed the X. RG