Sporter Rifle Bench Tecnique ?



Is there any one tecnique that seems to work best for sporter weight rimfires off the bench? hold? light hold? free recoil? Lets assume you are shooting a factory weight sporter like a 541s , Anschutz 54 sporter , CZ 452 etc
Is there any one tecnique that seems to work best for sporter weight rimfires off the bench? hold? light hold? free recoil? Lets assume you are shooting a factory weight sporter like a 541s , Anschutz 54 sporter , CZ 452 etc

No, there is no one technique, especially when it comes to sporters. It'll all depend on the type of stock and rest. I first started out shooting a factory sporter (Cooper) with a very rounded forend off a Hart rest with a Protektor bag. It needed to be held. I now shoot a custom sporter with a Pippin stock off the same Hart rest but with a Fudd top. I shoot it free recoil. You just need to see what yours likes. I think that free recoil is best if your set-up will allow it. I would suspect that most factory sporters in a factory stock will need to be held.
I have to pull my anschutz 54 down into the front bag by picking the same spot above the 10 ring in the scope and pulling down to the 10 ring with firm shoulder pressure. Once I get everything in position and kind of relax any torque placed on stock and eez the shot
Shoot a lot of Sighters & Watch the flags :)

Rifles, generally, tell one how they like to be shot. I haven't ever held a BR rifle in all the years I have been shooting that asked me to hold it. That doesn't mean that some BR rifles don't like to be held but I have never had one.

Keep yo face off the stock and try your derndest not to touch the rifle any place other than the tip of the trigger. Offset rings are a plus.
The " face off the stock" tecnique works well for the 10% of the folks that own 6x scopes with zero parralax issues. You simply cannot place your eye in the "exact" same spot. For those that do, you now know why those close 9's bite you most every card when you thought you doped wind correctly.
I have to pull my anschutz 54 down into the front bag by picking the same spot above the 10 ring in the scope and pulling down to the 10 ring with firm shoulder pressure. Once I get everything in position and kind of relax any torque placed on stock and eez the shot

With this kind of rifle, in a factory stock and with a factory trigger, the above is a good description of how to shoot it (IMHO). If I were shooting a full blown sporter i.e. flat(ish) forend, Jewell trigger etc. then free recoil would be worth exploring.

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