Niccolo M.
Squish 'em and Squish 'em Good!
Bill, Thanks!
I've been having a very tough day and you just made it much better!
Bill, Thanks!
I've been having a very tough day and you just made it much better!
For Savages I like to do something more in keeping with the overall quality of the unit. I just squash the bolt body in a vice until it fits tight. (note to Savage owners, I'm just kidding). Regards, Bill.
For Savages I like to do something more in keeping with the overall quality of the unit. I just squash the bolt body in a vice until it fits tight. (note to Savage owners, I'm just kidding). Regards, Bill.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I love your comments Bill... I have to say the last Savage I was unable to repair (a new detachable magazine I had sold that would not feed) I solved with a 10 pound sledge hammer and a large chopping block. Then I refunded the customers money and said I was sorry but I can not help him.... and I refuse to try and fix any Savage magazine now. I won't work on them, Period. The name suits the product. Sorry Savage owners.
Has anyone tried thermal spraying the bolt body to build up metal, with a little extra and then turning the built up area down to the desired diameter. I use thermal spray all the time for repairing spindles and other machine parts. Seems this would be a great way to sleeve bolts. I'm getting ready to blueprint my first action and this is the method I'm thinking about giving a whirl.