speaking of "being played like a fiddle".....

Get the guy a new boat.

I wonder what the old boat could sell for at an auction?
Bonnie and Clyde's car may be still on tour.

Concho Bill
And the beat goes on' They spin away everyday guys,
Not to mention these phony politicians that claim they are for the second ammendment.
wow talk about spin.
Lately one signer of the safe act sent out a news questioner, He never asked how we felt about the safe act.
He asked several question about other things trying to distract our attention.
You can bet i'll be working against Him in the comeing election.
They sure think they can cover their tracks by distraction our attenion to some other trivial problem they created.
Spin spin and spin plus lie lie lie and BS Bs Bs
My bad, I was thinking politicians in this country; you know, those who have to deal with the constitution. As for seeing the "whole deal on TV," if you saw it on TV you obviously have all the facts.

As for an extermination, that's what bad guys with guns and bombs do -- so how could politicians present a greater danger?

The politicians here are SUPPOSED TO follow, protect, and defend the Constitution, but they are clearly not doing that. In Boston they searched peoples homes with force and nary a warrant amongst them. Clear violation. I've heard that the searchers also confiscated any guns found, another clear violation. Bloomberg has said that we will need to have to do some things that might be unconstitutional for our security because things have changed. He's correct in NY, and other states that have outlawed various guns and magazines along with effectively preventing their subjects from defending themselves.

More people have been exterminated by various governments than by any terrorists in the past couple hundred years anyway, unless the terrorists are the government, that is. Saying it hasn't happened here or can't happen here means that people have obviously forgotten what happened to the Indians.
Larry is amazing at how few people study or even read any history. civics and history seem unimportant to some educators.
History repeats it's self time and time again.
Most people have no idea of their rights are Much less excercise them.
They are fed misinformation by the press and the internet on a daily basis.
O'Reily would call it cool aid. I call it Bs and lies.
Blumberg Cuomo Clinton and the whole lot are Not socialist but Communists. They also have help from the oposition at times calling it Bipartisian.
Constitution or not they will do what every they want to do and hang the out come.
NO ONE IS really challenging their authority . On a national level If someone speeks up they are a radical
11 minutes and 21 seconds is the scariest picture I’ve ever seen.

What would you do if you looked out your house window and someone riding in an armored vehicle pointed a loaded machinegun / sub-gun at your head?

It proves that their agenda is working. These aare the same tacts that Hitlers Nazi part started in Germany in the early 30,s.
1 Misinformation Keep it flowing. 2 depress the economy 3 make people hate a certain other group of people.

4 Control the press. further push the divisions of people race religion etc etc. 5 Tax everything a person needs includeing the air they breath
6 deny due process of law 7 abolish most existing laws. 8 declare a police state.

results = ??????????