Spacer for Teddy/Panda conversion?


Active member
I have recently acquired a several barrels chambered and threaded in the early 90's it seems. They have all been fired, but not a lot. They appear to have been threaded for a Teddy. A friend of mine seems to recall that Kelbly's once made a spacer that could be used with a Teddy barrel on a Panda action. I got this information too late on Thursday to call. I'm not a machinist and can't justify paying to have these barrels rechambered, but I could afford a spacer either from Kelbly's or if I could have one made. Anybody recall such a thing or have a suggestion?

Make the spacer the difference in the headspace distance of the Teddy and the Panda. The Panda is 1.115", not sure about the Teddy, about 1.375?? (find out for sure). Its ID would be about 1.065" and the OD about 1.250". I'm sure Kelblys would make one.
Rick, the HS for the Teddy should be 1.340", the Panda 1.115". So a spacer .225x1.062"id x 1.250"+/-od should work.-- Mike
It might be best to use 4140 hard and surface grind to get your .225" thickness... parallelism is important.

Paul is correct, make the spacer from a material with a substantial strength level. Look upon it as no different than a Recoil Lug spaced between a barrel and action ala Remington..........jackie
Thanks for all the replies. I intend to call Kelbly's tomorrow to see if they still make them or will. My alternative will be to have one made locally. The information will be very helpful.
