Sorting bullets by surface length?

Lynn I'm not a stone mason and I didn't cut the granite, I put a bullet in the comparator, lined everything up then took some velcro, the sticky stuff and put it in a VEE on both sides of the comparator on the block. Now when you slide the comparator with the bullet in it, everything should line up and the gage should read the same each time. Real easy fix. Phone calls are so much easyer.

Joe Salt
sorry no pictures. My other computer is being fixed. All it does is act as a stop. Lay your hand on the table palm down, then put something cylindrical between your thomb and pointer finger, that simple.

Joe Salt
a picture is worth a 1000 words they say, we have spent several hundred and i think still no clue...
is the velcro cut with a 90 degree pocket, laid on the base at the piremeter of lower sorting tool ???attached with stickie stuff, not the other half of velcro ???

mike in co

You'se guys SERIOUSLY need some pictures!

I think I've got it but I shore ain't jumping into this puddle w'both feet....


well I dunno, according to knowledge but recently acquired I may just need to engage in a brief stint of omphaloskepsis (whuch I'm good at) for the solution to become obvious :)

Thank you Eric K, I was begging to think that if that was to tuff for every one . Maybe they shouldn't be reloading, let alone own a gun! Just an observation Guys.

Joe Salt
I'm going to give this one more try. Here is the quote from the 6mmBR site, also given by more than one person on this thread:

A bullet's bearing surface is the full diameter section that actually contacts barrel rifling. A longer bearing surface creates more friction which can lead to higher pressures.

What does higher pressure mean in this context? If it doesn't mean higher velocity, why do we care?

How many of you have measured the velocity change with a bullet having a .002 longer bearing surface? What was it? Or are all 93 posts based on well, gee, doesn't it have to matter?

Interesting that there has, as of post #93, been no ballistic data on higher velocity. Or maybe I missed it?
i think what had us confused was the velcro....velcro does not stick to stuff by itself. in truth this could be any material with some glue on the back to hold its position. i have rolls of velcro...none of it has anything stickie on the back side.....

all is well in the long range shooting world....

mike in co
I buy self adhesive velcro by the 50' roll. Didn't know it was hard to find. Looks like someone else found it too. Mine is 1" wide rolls, both sides w/removable protective backing. I, and everyone I know with a mirage shield, use it to hold them on barrels, amongst many other uses. I find it either that way, or with iron-on glue backing. Not that the iron on stuff would work on a granite surface plate.

Seemed simple enough to me tho...

Charles, data and proof are overrated. Many of these guys don't need that in order to make conclusions. They are quite happy to solve problems they've never identified, using witchcraft and voodoo rather than mechanics and physics. I stopped asking these guys for 'reasoning' long ago.
Charles I've been saying I'm seeing a difference with 30 thou.longer bearing surface, to shorter ones, I was thinking twist. But pressure is probably the reason. Now I have to wait till spring to check with my cronograph.

Joe Salt
Joe, I doubt it is pressure, though .030 is a lot more than the .005 people talk about.

As I'd said earlier, what we really need is an Oehler 42 to run some tests with. What, and how much, is changes in drag (B.C.). How much, if any, is velocity. Etc. Testing could then let us limit our work to what actually matters, and of course, the purchase of tooling to do that work.
Joe Salt
The tools we use on the westcoast don't have a granite base.I will try and post you a picture but we use a stainless base with a cup cut into it.The cup will hold any tool you wish to add.We check our seating depth bearing surface and even concentricity with the same tool.
It requires no velcro at all in order to work.
If you look back in this post Matt has already answered your question about pressure when he mentioned his chronograph findings.
Lynn, so your tool works for you thats all that matters. Well you probably payed more for your cup than I did for the velcro! By the way how did you shoot this past year? I listen to ''Matt'' on occation, but I like beating him on the line better. All I can say is I need to do more testing in my rifle. Because mine doesn't shoot like yours or the next guys. But I'll figure it out.

Joe Salt
My rifles shot well last year because my 77 year old father was shooting them.I made a promise to Wilbur that I wouldn't talk about what happened out here so I will send you an e-mail with the details.
The photo above is of a 600 yard group shot by my father at Ojai using my 300wsm built by Jim Borden and stocked by Alex Sitman using 187 BIB Bullets.
Sacramento didn't have many shooters last year and Reno held two matches last year and had a grand total of 8 shooters.
I heard Sacramento is getting the nationals again but I don't think many shooters will be there.I am guessing 25 shooters in total with less on Friday when they shoot F-Class Bench.I will be there helping my father but I won't be shooting myself.
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