Soros disarming USA

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Charles: If you were an Illegal all of that would be taken care of for you, even though you paid for it all your working years.
Joe Salt
Thanks for giving right-wing phone sex babble to my real problems. I hope you never go through such illness, & go fast & quick at an old age, or Kathy will wind up having to deal with it all.

I also see Wilbur was right, political discussions on BR Central reach the level of "can I win with my .30-30 lever gun? How can I make it shoot better?"

I'm outta here (again.)
Got back home too late - don't want to start another freedom of speech deal by deleting this thread. Y'all try not to start calling each other names...we're all in this together.

BUT, you gotta know....

fussin' about this on the internet ain't gonna help at all. You gotta physically go do something to make it better - or physically support those that are physically doing something.
don't want to start another freedom of speech deal by deleting this thread.

As the Supreme Court recently pointed out, the First Amendment protects false speech and true speech alike - for the most part.

Truly as has been pointed out there has been enough misery dished out by both political parties however if one looks at which has weilded more power and influence in Washington for the past 80 years or so you will see a trend toward more intrusive government. The Constitution is the only thing we have to restrice an out of contrl government.

Charles I have read Robert Heinlein. Some of his work is good science fiction. I have also read Ann Rand and George Orwell. We do not have far to go.

I am starting another rumor about the latest government program. It is Federal Assistance to Radical Transients or FART for short. Reagan was correct when he quipped that the closest thing to eternal life is a government program.

Joe Henderson
Wilbur and Ryan are right. The job of the supreme court is to make sure laws pass that are legal; ie, they are constitutional.

It is OUR function to see that good laws are passed. We do that by sending reasonable men and women to represent us. Then we must be ever vigilant to see that they do the right thing. Write them, call them, bug them forever. If they do not do the right thing, then fire them by giving strong support to an opponent who will do the "right thing".
Then you have to start all over; write them, call them, bug them.

It does not end

Sorry if I said something wrong AGAIN. But I'm on your side, you souldn't be without insurance, you were paying for it. And i'm sorry your going through this illness, I've seen family members with it. But if thats the cards I'm dealt, so be it. I'm not afraid of death. No one is getting out alive anyway.

Joe Salt
Best I can tell, Truth has never interested conservatives. The only thing they care about is winning elections. Much the same for the liberals, though perforce, since they want to achieve some things, it's is not all about winning for them. The conservatives have an advantage, as they don't want to do anything.


I'll take the politician who refrains from pushing endless legislation ANY day of the week.....the more they try to fix things....the broker the system gets.
Hillary will be signing the treety the 27th say good by to the second!

Joe Salt
It ain't that simple Joe. Not to say it couldn't be done (confiscation of our guns).
The NRA estimates there are some 85 million gun owners in our nation of some 300 million.
I estimate there are some 15 million who are kooks like myself who plan for the first confiscator to my door to NOT get my guns!!

Join and support the NRA, its all we have!!!
Jerry: Just giving the date she will be signing it , this is all back door stuff most people don't know about. Everything this man has done is behind closed doors. And I'm with you come and get them!

Joe Salt

You say that Hillary will be signing the treaty on the 27th, a few questions and then a wager:
- what year and month?
- are you assuming the treaty she is signing will be binding in the USA or is it a UN procedural?

Keep in mind that it takes a vote of 2/3 of the senate to forward the treaty to the president to ratify an international treaty see below for the verbage and reference. If you claim that Hillary will sign the treaty sometime this year, I bet you $50, payable in a USPS money order or similar, that even if Hillary is to sign a document that it will not be a treaty that is internationally binding for the US.

From Wiki
"In the US, the treaty power is a coordinated effort between the Executive branch and the Senate. The President may form and negotiate a treaty, but the treaty must be advised and consented to by a two-thirds vote in the Senate. Only after the Senate approves the treaty can the President ratify it. Once a treaty is ratified, it becomes binding on all the states under the Supremacy Clause. While the United States House of Representatives does not vote on it at all, the requirement for Senate advice and consent to ratification makes it considerably more difficult in the US than in other democratic republics to rally enough political support for international treaties. Also, if implementation of the treaty requires the expenditure of funds, the House of Representatives may be able to block, or at least impede, such implementation by refusing to vote for the appropriation of the necessary funds."
Don't confuse me with the facts, I've already made up my mind

Unrestricted gun control IS HERE, it's called The Affordable Health Care Act.........Do you know what's in the AHCA law? Do those who passed it know? ........Now unelected beaurocrats are interpreting the passed law (deemed constitutional) ............Gov't now has total regulation on insurance, insurance companies are in business to make money, Gov't mandates ( insure everyone , irregardless of existing cond.)will make it impossible to make a profit.......Aetna and others will be the new GM. When you apply for insurance under the new AFHC, beware of the question "Do you own or use any type of firearm....or engage in any other hazardous activity".....start reaching for your wallet.

Sheesh... This is the ACA in a nut shell. Having been turned down for health insurance, this is a good deal for me. Why is there so MUCH hate for Obama on this web site. No new gun laws have been passed. All I see is incorrect postings like the one that started this thread. No facts, much rumor, and a lot of sheep running around saying the sky is falling.


The Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act ensures hard-working, middle class families will get the security they deserve and protects every American from the worst insurance company abuses.

Lets millions of young adults stay on parent's insurance until age 26.

Ends insurance company power to cap the amount of care a person can receive in their lifetime.

Stops insurance companies from cancelling coverage when someone gets sick.

Lowers the cost of care for those on Medicare and helps seniors save money on their medication.

Requires insurance companies to cover preventive services like mammograms free of charge.

Strengthens and protects Medicare by increasing penalties for fraud.

Stops insurance companies from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions.

Ends insurance company power to jack up rates without justification.

Provides Americans with rebates from insurers who spend too much on CEO bonuses or ads.

Gives tax credits to small business owners so they can afford to offer quality health care for employees.

Builds and improves hundreds of community health centers.

Gives hard-working Americans tax credits so they can afford insurance beginning in 2014.

Ends discrimination against adults with pre-existing conditions beginning in 2014.
Sheesh any thing to hate Obama... This is the ACA in a nut shell.
"I estimate there are some 15 million who are kooks like myself who plan for the first confiscator to my door to NOT get my guns!!"

The assumption there is that they come to your door...
Gina, I've always liked this one from Heinlein, TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. Somebody pays, maybe not you, but somebody.
The assumption there is that they come to your door...

What are they going to use, PREDATOR drones? Are we beaconing a predator nation?

I don't like what is going on and Corker, Alexander and Roe know I don't like it!!

Coming to Unaka?
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The last time I read through the so called treaty all it dealt with was arms trade between countries. And then I think it was specific arms?
What does this have to do with the 2nd amend.?
What are they going to use, PREDATOR drones? Are we beaconing a predator nation?

I don't like what is going on and Corker, Alexander and Roe know I don't like it!!

Coming to Unaka?

If I were gonna do it I would handcuff you at the Walmart - then go to your house.

Wish I were coming to Unaka but y'all casually let it go that I'm "one piece of white trash". Seems that you wouldn't want a guy like me there.
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