Pete Wass

Well-known member
We had a very big weekend here in Maine with our State Sporter an 3 Gun. We will be sending in several sets of potential new record targets for consideration. I will post the results later on.

It would have been nice if you posted these scores along with the announcement of World Records being broken.
With all due respect, your post sounds like something BC would write.

Well, the records aren't broken yet Michael

It would have been nice if you posted these scores along with the announcement of World Records being broken.
With all due respect, your post sounds like something BC would write.


I mailed the targets to Wayne today and he will announce the records if and when they are broken. It's his call on them. I will now post the official scores.

The scores:

Maine State Sporter - Yards

Sporter 1

1. Ted Derivan 250-17
2. Bob Hill 249-11
3. William Colbert 248-21

Sporter 2

1. Ted Derivan 248-13
2. Bob Hill 248-11
3. William Colbert 246-18

Sporter 3

1.William Colbert 250-15
2. Ted Derivan 249-17
3. Gary Hamilton 248-14

Sporter yardage Agg

1. Ted Derivan 747-47
2. Bob Hill 745-36
3. William Colbert 744-54
4. Dave Piccuito 737-20

State Sporter Meters

Sporter 1

1. William Colbert 249-15
2. Ted Derivan 248-8
3. Bob Hill 247-16

Sporter 2

1. William Colbert 250-22
2. Ted Derivan 244-14
3. Gary Hamilton 244-13

Sporter 3

1. William Colbert 250-13
2. Ted Derivan 249-11
3. Bob Hill 248-11

Sporter meters agg.

1.William Colbert 749-50
2. Ted Derivan 741-33
3. Bob Hill 739-38

6 gun Sporter Agg.

1. William Colbert 1493-104
2. Ted Derivan 1488-80
3. Bob Hill 1484-74
4. Gary Hamilton 1469-66
5. Pete Wass 1452-62

Maine State 3 gun - Yards


1.Bob Hill 249-13
2. Ted Derivan 248-13
3. William Colbert 247-13


1. Keith Royal 250-17
2. William Colbert 250-16
3. Bob Hill 249-17


1. Gary Hamilton 250-19
2. Keith Royal 250-17
3. Ted Derivan 250-11

2 Gun AGG.

1. Keith Royal 500-34
2. Gary Hamilton 499-32
3. William Colbert 499-30

3 Gun Yards AGG.

1. Bob Hill 747-48
2. Ted Derivan 747-39
3. William Colbert 746-43

3 Gun Meters


1. William Colbert 250-18
2. Keith Royal 249-15
3. Pete Wass 248-13

10.5 LB

1. William Colbert 250-13
2. Klayton Hayes 249-13-23
3. Ted Derivan 249-13-5

13.5 LB

1. Klayton Hayes 250-17
2. William Colbert 250-15
3. Gary Hamilton 250-14

2 Gun Agg

1. William Colbert 500-28
2. Klayton Hayes 499-30
3. Ted Derivan 495-30

3 Gun Meter Agg.

1.William Colbert 750-46
2. Keith Royal 744-41
3. Pete Wass 741-40
4. Klayton Hayes 740-35
5. Ted Derivan 738-38

It's simple enough to look at the existing records and figure out what the potential new ones might be. The targets are in the mail and should be announced in a few days. We wish to thank everyone who attended and for all the much appreciated help. I have a Summer Cold in full bloom so we dearly appreciate everything everyone did to make this event a great success. We look forward to doing it again next year.


Pete Wass
250 22 X WOW!! That is the prettiest target I'd ever seen!
749 50 in the sporter meters WOW!!!
And to back it up in the 3 gun meters with a 750 46X?? Incredible!!
I witnessed some of the best shooting I'd ever seen this weekend watching William. I don't know what Ted fed him or where at Ted's he slept but.... Ted I think he'll be staying with you on match nights from now on!!! Hope your house is large enough !!
Great Shootin' William!!!!
Congratulations William !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on your great shooting that day William & all your records.
Looks like they forgot to add your 6-GUN record though???? 1496 89X should be the new record
Currently 6 Gun AGGs are only awarded at National Events.

I didn't realize that. Thanks.
I do however feel like there ought to be a change there though. Maybe to include State & Regional shoots? Good shooting is good shooting IMO.
I think

I didn't realize that. Thanks.
I do however feel like there ought to be a change there though. Maybe to include State & Regional shoots? Good shooting is good shooting IMO.

the 6 gun agg is an enticement to get folks to attend National Championships, perhaps.
A little late I guess but Congratulations William

Your performance was, to say the least, superb. I am pleased to see your name in the records. That kind of scoring is everyone's hope I think. Well done :).
