SoCal Regional Finals

I couldn't be more grateful how everything turned out. It was a stellar weekend, both Saturdays practice and Sunday's final. Everyone there were so helpful and it all went like clockwork, Thank You it made my job a lot easier. Meeting new shooters for their first BR match was wonderful. I couldn't envision it any better.

Thank's goes to the gents that helped get the new addition ready and those behind the scenes to put it all together.

I want to give a Big Thanks to Linzie and Tim for your contributions, Jim and John for running the relays, Ethan, Dale and DJ for your help scoring.

In HV it was between Jim Herrick and Doug Miller going in to the last card, with Jim taking top honors. In LV it was another battle for overall between Brian Denardo and Jim Cyran, with Jim coming out on top by 1 point.

Thanks to all participants for supporting this weekends first SoCal Regional.

Top 4 in LV:
1) Jim Cyran, 721-15x EV .177
2) Brian Denardo, 720-15x EV .177
3) Vipha Miller, 715-13x, USFT .177
4) Larry Durham, 707-10x, USFT .177

Top 5 in HV:
1)Jim Herrick, 734-29x, Theoben Rapid, .22 cal
2)Doug Miller, 731-23x, Styer, .22 cal
3)Tim McMurray, 723-19x, USFT .22 cal
4)Linzie Boise, 716-18x, USFT .22 cal
5)Matt Saenz, 716-16x, USFT .22 cal

Jim Herrick took the overall. Congrats to all the participants you are all winners.



I had simply GREAT time! Your range is simply top drawer, and will hold up to comparison to any in the country in my book .... but your hospitality surpasses THAT!. A fine job by you and your crew. Your generosity and graciousness is over the top.

Thanks for a fine time.

Congrats on your very successful So Cal regional shoot. Great shooting by everyone! Loved the results and pictures posted by Linze and James on the yellow forum. I am in awe that you doubled your range in such a short time.

I do have a question on your target frames for 25 meters. I know your 50 yard back stop is the rubber blocks for each target frame. What stops the pellet at 25 meters? I ask because Holbrook is building a benchrest range and was going with an angle plate with a collection box for the lead.

You sure raised the bar for the North West Region Postal match next month.

Hi Good shooting all .What was your 3 world postal team ? Rick
Congrats on your very successful So Cal regional shoot. Great shooting by everyone! Loved the results and pictures posted by Linze and James on the yellow forum. I am in awe that you doubled your range in such a short time.

I do have a question on your target frames for 25 meters. I know your 50 yard back stop is the rubber blocks for each target frame. What stops the pellet at 25 meters? I ask because Holbrook is building a benchrest range and was going with an angle plate with a collection box for the lead.

You sure raised the bar for the North West Region Postal match next month.

Thanks Rick, it was 2170-62x.

Paul Thanks, was getting stressed at times, we finished up last Friday, have some minor details left to do.

We are not using the blocks for the 50 yard range anymore, to messy. For the 50 yard range I had some big traps made 24"x 24" 1/4 inch steel for the back splash with 1/8" for the sides and bottom which is 3" deeper at the bottom which hold 50 lbs of sand for splatter with bullet diffuser. Jim is in the process of building 5 more for the addition of the range.

The pellet traps Jim built, which use 1/8" steel, they are 20"x20" which also hold 30 lbs of sand each with pellet diffuser.

By no means am I trying to raise the bar. Learned by example from my parents at an early age to give back, treat everyone with respect, do the best you can whatever it is your doing and cherish the moments. I'm very grateful and blessed that I'm in a position that I can give back at this time, tomorrow isn't a promise to any of us.

reginal match

Thanks Joe
I had a great time helping put on the shoot and shooting the match. No one has talked about the
conditions yet. The wind was doing its normal thing right and left switching back and fourth you shoot a sighter and the wind would change before you could shoot a bull, sometimes the flages would just go around and around. Sounds easy doesnt it? Its enought to drive you to drink. WE had some awsome shooters there they showed there metal and over came the conditions.
Joe put on a world class shoot, it ran like a well oiled matchine, every one had a great time
an sot real well. We look forward to many more great shoots.
Also congrats to Jim for winning the match.

I wish I lived 2990 mi closer so I could have joined the fun. Wow what a class act, and beautiful Range. Congrats to everyone who participated as I'm sure it was a great time had by all!

Pictures from So.Cal. Regional

joe your the best

everyone was a winner



results HV

results LV

lower cals best LV jim cyran


HV 2nd and 3rd Doug and Tim

new 5 benches

2nd place LV Brian D.

the photo crew

3rd LV vipha enjoying the grilled corn
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Great photos Linzie! Thanks again to you and Joe and all the people that helped make the match the special event that is was. It was probably the best run shooting competition I have ever participated in.

Great shooting on your part also, you shot a great match! You are picking up benchrest shooting very quickly.

Jim in Sacramento
Thanks Joe for having the shoot. I had a great time. Every one had only good things to say. The best ran shoot that I have ever been to. Thanks again.
Thanks Linzie and gents.

Jim, to open up a new tin of pellets, lube and shoot them you did awesome, I hope you put what you have left to the side.

Again Congrats.

Great job Joe!

One can only imagine the time, effort and resources that went into this match. A first class job all the way.

I'm proud to call you a friend.

It almost makes me want to take up AGing...Almost. ;)

The two things I loved the most about the pictures were the overhead shot of the crowd (what did you do, hire the Goodyear Blimp to do a fly over), and then that first-place trophy. That wooden pellet is absolutely awesome and should become the standard for all the big event. Hey Bill C., did you notice?

Congratulations to all the winners and (to use an Hadfieldism) grinners, and I do believe there must have been a lot of grinners seeing where you were at. Good job Joe on making a top-notch facility even better. Hopefully someday I'll be able to take a look up close and personal.

Bill, that is the home ranch where I grew up and live today. I wanted to make sure everything ran good and maintain focus with the scoring of targets.

Al, Thank You my Friend.

Dave, no Blimp, they shot those pics on the rc drivers stand. Yes, the pellet is awesome.


You Tube video is done, link
Bill, that is the home ranch where I grew up and live today. I wanted to make sure everything ran good and maintain focus with the scoring of targets.

Al, Thank You my Friend.

Dave, no Blimp, they shot those pics on the rc drivers stand. Yes, the pellet is awesome.


You Tube video is done, link

Looks amazing Joe, The Real LD told me all about this place when we were @ World Champs, one day i hope to be there and have a shoot with you mate.

Dave i did notice very cool, still think it would be easier to drink out of Todds WC glass version :cool:

Ya, but after Todd empties his, if he were to drop it, what's left, where with Joe's it'll be a life-long companion no matter what.

I like that: "the RC drivers stand". I can't even imagine!
