Here's what I think. The issue came up at our private club with its own rules, and occurred as a result of unusual circumstances. The situation has been discussed among those actually involved that can effect change (our club members). We club members are taking some steps to improve our scorekeeping routine, but feel only a minor change is needed.
We are a small club, but have been shooting airguns off the bench as a club for over four years and we derive great satisfaction from it. Some of us have shot BR on and off for decades. Though attendance varies from month to month, its always due to either other shooting events in the area, or the schedules of individual members that month.
We shoot more than one kind of airgun game, and though our targets, equipment, and procedures often vary from the "accepted norms" of the officials of some other clubs, and WE are ok with that, despite concerns of others. In ALL cases where our regular procedures vary from norm, it is by choice, not happenstance, so the act of pointing it out by others isn't likely to affect any changes for us. We have been instrumental in growing the sport, introducing or popularizing fifty airgun yard BR, true Sporter classes, truly portable bench (fit in trunk) use in matches, and others.
WE have a handful of regular club members that attend when they can. We have had many visitors attend as well. All seemed to have a good time, which is the very purpose for us to be shooting. I have yet to see any club member stay away as a result of our regular procedures seeming to be unfair. We have introduced a LOT of airgunners to bench shooting, and though most younger one's are really more interested in some of the other kinds of shooting we do here (esp the younger shooters), other continue to do it when they can. The size of our range and number of benches limits the practical size of our attendance, not how we score.
There seems to be a pervasive and obvious "pile on" attitude on these pages against our club, mostly from those that have very little actual airgun (AIRGUNshooting) experience, which seems to me, likely to discourage some members of OTHER small clubs from frequenting. I can only assume re-opening of the thread is a furtherance of the practice, since there are no other "facts" relating to the initiating event that non-attendees would be able to add.
Sadly, what I see seems to be folks who may be trying to bedazzle or kowtow us with what they feel may be important and impressive rimfire lore, without considering the fact that there is ALREADY A BULLY PULPIT for that sort of talk just next door. While there IS potential for growth in airgun Benchrest shooting from those "stepping down" from rimfire, there should ALSO be room for us "jes-plain-airgunners" to exist without being harassed.
Wilbur, since you are apparently running things here ... let me know one way or another .... if this is a more exclusive place than our little club thought, and only one way of shooting is acceptable, well then spit it out.