Smallest lathe for chambering, threading and crowning

I have one of those little 10" Rockwells


I have a Taper attachment and a Steady rest. I'll bet I use that little lathe Twice as much as my 16" Southbend( the big brother to the Ten inch). Their is no rust on it. Just some rust preventative.
They are also easy to make replacement parts for...
.. Mark PS.. Picked mine up out of Detroit. Dick will deliver anywhere!
Spencer, what is the spindle bore diameter on the 10"? Can you chamber a 31" HV barrel using the steady rest? There was one listed on Craigslist a month ago for 1k.
The spindle dia...

Here's the kicker. It measures 1.056" at the outboard end. But the collets are 4c. The collet holder is built into the spindle. Which has a key. That reduces it to 7/8". I have the longer body lathe 36". You still chamber most anything. You still can hold onto the first 4" of the barrel. I use my Southbend 16" for chambering.
I have a 9" Monarch Jr. which has a very small footprint. About 2'x4' with a wall hung belt drive.
I do all my barrel work in it as my 14.5 South Bend has too long a headstock.
The headstock thru hole is only 1&1/16" so it rules out BR barrels. Kenny