smallest group


New member
Hi all,

I was wondering what the smallest group that has been recorded is? and is there a picture of it.
Pending record....

....Unlimited 5 shot (.025) record pending group was shot at Visaila California in October of 2007. This target and adjoining backer has been submitted to the records committee. It was shot in light breezy switchy conditions as I remember. On the same week-end, the next day ( Sunday) another excellent group of .049 was also shot. That was 2 potential records in one week-end by two different shooters on the same range in a Registered NBRSA match. The record as of now is .050 shot shot by the late great shooter Mr. Ed Watson.


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Just curious, we have heard over the years that this record group was fired on the sighter target, is that confirmed with this "Western" company printed target and the printing specs. at the bottom of the paper and the bottom paper edge just below this record target? Is this where the speculation comes from?.................Don


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IMO it is part and parcel of most human beings that they simply REFUSE to accept excellence without trying to "disprove" it!

Most folks would rather hear that so-and-so celebrity got caught with their pants down, or in a lie, or even that they've gone bankrupt or ended up in rehab than EVER to celebrate their achievement.........

Mac's group ROCKS!!!! As do the other two listed..........and to all who hate that, CRAWL BACK UNDER YOUR ROCKS :D:D:D:D:D:D

Happy New Year!!!

It Doesn't Make Any Difference

If you hang around long enough, you will hear all sorts of stories about that .009 group. But the fact remains, it went through the regulation proccess of being confirmed by the Range, the Referrees, and the NBRSA Records Committee. That makes it official. End of speculation.
What is a little strange is why so many shooters get so googly about it. If there was some commercial interest involved, they could point to that group and say, "look what you could do with "such and such" equipment. That is, untill someone asked the question, "who won the yardage".........jackie
Just out of curiosity....

If you took a super tuned rail gun or whatever and shot it at say ideal conditions like G. Beggs tunnel at 5, 10, 15, 20 yds or whatever, would a truely "0" group be possible with 5 shots???

Smallest group

As soon as the weather warms up I'll go out and shoot you a sub .009 group and send you pics.............................................................

If you do a lot of shooting with a good Rail Gun, you will get your share of ultra small groups. Sometimes it is amazing what can happen. I have shot 5-shot groups with my Rail Gun that, for all general purposes, looked like a 25 caliber bullet hole in the paper.
But, to real Benchrest Shooters, that goes with the territory. We do not shoot groups. We shoot aggregates. In Competition. On the clock. With the moving backer running. No alibis.
One thing I absolutly hate doing is to nail an screamer, and then back it up with a big ugly mess. If I happen to shoot a "zero", I darned sure want to win that yardage. If I don't, all I did was waste a great group. Plus, it just shows how bad I shot during the other four matches in the agg........jackie

I understand the aggregate thingy well enough, what I am asking is if under some ideal condition at some yardage could you set up a test firing a gun that would produce a truly 0.000 5 shot group. Could you fire a gun for 1 shot and get a 0.000 group???? I realize in BR shooting we shoot 5 groups for an aggregate, I am just wondering about the possibilities. Thanks for the reply.


Sooner or later, you get into the accuracy of being able to measure a hole poked into a piece of paper by a bullet.
At last years Texas State 10 shot Unlimited, I shot a .163 in match one. It looked smaller, so I put $5 dollars up, and sure enough, it came back a .143. I was quite pleased.
A few days later, I was looking over my targets, and took a real close look at that group. At first glance, it looked as if the "black of the bullet" was extending up into the edge of the mothball. But, under a magnifyer, I could plainly see it wasn't. I measured that group ever way I could, and could get no more than .335 total spread anywhere. That is a .095, or there abouts.
I have the target hanging in my office, because I truly believe I shot a 10 shot 'zero". What I should have done at the match was put another $5 up and request the referress to take a look. But, in my pleasure of getting it knocked down to .143, I just didn't. As an added note, in Match Three, Mike Conry shot a range measured .096. Keep in mind, that is only about the 3d or 4th 10-shot "zero" shot in Registered Competition since the conception of time. Mike also won the yardage. I was second.
So, you see, we are not only at the mercy of our ability to actually shoot a ".000" group, we are also at the mercy of acsertaining the true size of the group as it appears on the target.
Where is that formica when we need it:D.........jackie
One thing I absolutly hate doing is to nail an screamer, and then back it up with a big ugly mess. If I happen to shoot a "zero", I darned sure want to win that yardage. If I don't, all I did was waste a great group. Plus, it just shows how bad I shot during the other four matches in the agg........jackie

Well, I fired 2 zero groups during an aggregate yardage at the Cactus a couple of years ago, while no other zeros were fired, and still lost the aggregate to Huckabee, and these zeros were accompanied by 2 ones and a low two about wasting zeros..............Don
Could someone tell me who shot this group what I'm assuming is a 5 shot 100yd group?

To anyone who might be going to the SHOT SHOW in Vegas and would like to see a bit of BR history, we will have Mac's original target, the record certtificate, N. Knox's article about it in Rifle magazine, and the rifle that Mac used to shoot the group on display at our booth at the SHOT SHOW. Dick from McMillans
I believe thats Bryn Borris's unlimited target-but I could be wrong....
