I on the other hand have custom match barrels of 20 descriptions, some discard "rifling setup" barrels as much as a FULL THOU undersized, 6MM's, 338's and 30cal's in all sorts of configurations, from different numbers of grooves (3gr, 4gr, 5gr, 6gr, ratchets from 3mfgrs etc etc), to different bore/groove diameters, land hts and rifling profiles...I even take old factory barrels and re-cut to match the chambers and throw them into the mix as I use'em for fireforming or brake testing, and basically my long term testing, weighing charges down to the single kernel-even on cases of 100gr capacity, has shown.....
they all make pressure about the same.
Of course this goes against EVERYTHING I'VE EVER READ, HEARD, OVERHEARD AND INTUITED, (except the opinions of Harold Vaughn and another ballistician not currently working)
but game don't lie.
I hold highly suspect any opinion where "dirty bores raise pressures" or "different bullets" or even meloniting or coating with the current crop of monkey-poo...... cuz I can't find repeatable evidence of it.
And I shoot everything with ES down in the dirt, under 10fps mostly.....I don't even acknowledge the validity of SD.
It's very easy to see trends when I don't have to "average" nor "find means" nor bend the numbers around nor make graphs...... It's wikkid easy to just READ THE RESULTS straight from the notes.
XX chamber/throat/COAL/temp/hum/powder.... in other words IDENTICAL COMPONENTS, CHAMBER AND ROUND
XX bullet WEIGHT
XX powder charge
XX barrel length
Yields very predictable results...
I've even gone back and rechambered barrels marked as "fast" or "slow" or whatever and am reformulating all my thoughts in regard to bore diameter/configuration
And all the years of work I did and notes I took while throwing powder charges.....burnt and gone forever along with all my "good group" targets LOL
IN MY CASE..... learning to cut identical chambers and learning to weigh charges down to the kernel has completely reset everything I ever "knew" about reloading for consistency.
And about the velocity of different barrels.
It's a great time to be alive...
PS...... I remember vividly one time back in the 90's I posted on this forum that "deep-seated boattail bullets hanging 'wayyy down into the case on a .243AI would cause pressure spikes"
Now I'm talking half the friggin' bullet hanging below the shoulder..... .243AI chamber with .000 freebore and 105 Starke's and 108 Eubers.....
This guy comes on name a' Boomer and sez.... "I wish you would quit stating stuff like that as fact"
And I leapt up "But My Testing Shows!!!"
And he came back with "then your testing sucks"
And I sez "Well the tell me why I have these velocity spikes over my chronograph!!"
And he sez "because you're ignorant?"
I said it then, and I'll say it today ....... "THANK YOU BOOMER!!"
each day I try to lessen my ignorance