single most important verdict this century

I don't have a problem with the verdict, but I'm not interested in hearing anything the young man has to say. Placing himself in that situation speaks volume to me.

I had similar thoughts initially. Having heard more of the facts last evening, I was wrong.
I watched it from the opening statements to the verdict being read. Each and very day from the start to the finish of each day. The young man was clearly innocent and he had the same right as the rioters to be there. So it is not just an opinion but what actually took place. The folks he protected himself from were mostly felons and not up standing citizens by any means. It was they who ended up loosing their own lives and also the fault of the one who was shot in the arm. The prosecutors were not seeking justice by any means. They with held evidence, altered videos and openly lied as did one of their star witnesses. They were trying to persecute the young man and not to prosecute him or they would have been openly honest. And not falsified the evidence they were trying to present to the jury who obviously recognized what it was they were actually trying to unjustly do to this young man. Who will also end up to be a very wealthy man. When he gets done suing every news media outlet that defamed this young and hopefully it will also include Joe Biden himself. But his life will also not be an easy one from here on out.
I don't have a problem with the verdict, but I'm not interested in hearing anything the young man has to say. Placing himself in that situation speaks volume to me.

I'm perfectly aware of that Hunter...... as you're finding out, you and I disagree.


This means that EVERY thought, action and reaction you have is 180 degrees off from mine.


Folks like you make me feel all warm and fuzzy....about not BEING you.


Winston Churchill said it best:

"If you're not a leftist in your 20s you have no heart, if you're not a conservative in your 40's you have no head
In fact, I see a generation of young men who's self image is so low that they're willing to die searching for something to live for.

Hoffer wrote of this back in 1951. Funny (NOT) how prophetic so many books from the past have become.

Part 1. The Appeal of Mass Movements
Hoffer states that mass movements begin with a widespread "desire for change" from discontented people who place their locus of control outside their power and who also have no confidence in existing culture or traditions. Feeling their lives are "irredeemably spoiled" and believing there is no hope for advancement or satisfaction as an individual, true believers seek "self-renunciation".[3] Thus, such people are ripe to participate in a movement that offers the option of subsuming their individual lives in a larger collective. Leaders are vital in the growth of a mass movement, as outlined below, but for the leader to find any success, the seeds of the mass movement must already exist in people's hearts.
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That quote would not be true were it not for the losers. Im here today because two other guys lost.

I find a generation of parents who lack parenting skills.




As a retired 30 year veteran of LE, I'm glad to hear that the other two guys lost. You did what you were supposed to do, and what you were trained to do. Good wins...

The alternative to that sucks. I have a friend and academy mate who didn't win, and his two boys have grown up without a father. His name is now etched in granite at the Police Officers Memorial in DC.

And you're absolutely correct on your parenting skills comment.

Thanks for your service


As a retired 30 year veteran of LE, I'm glad to hear that the other two guys lost. You did what you were supposed to do, and what you were trained to do. Good wins...

The alternative to that sucks. I have a friend and academy mate who didn't win, and his two boys have grown up without a father. His name is now etched in granite at the Police Officers Memorial in DC.

And you're absolutely correct on your parenting skills comment.


Justin, Thanks for your service. Sorry for the loss of your friend and comrade.

We have a memorial, like all LEO Organizations, honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Several of my friends made the list. I feel like I know everyone one on that wall. Its a bond that’s hard to explain.
31…..I beat you by one year.

Enjoy your retirement.

"All living things prioritize their own survival above all else and will do what is necessary to stay alive."

Except for some men and some dogs.

"All living things prioritize their own survival above all else and will do what is necessary to stay alive."

Except for some men and some dogs.

these three guys didn't pass the Darwin Award test, attacking an armed citizen with the God given right to defend himself from grievous bodily injury or worse.

I had similar thoughts initially. Having heard more of the facts last evening, I was wrong.

elected leaders totally fail to quell criminal behavior, and worse tell the police to stand down, what is a person left to do? Watch their life's work go up in smoke or accept a severe beating or worse? The political progressives in these cities are at the top of the totem pole of blame.
elected leaders totally fail to quell criminal behavior, and worse tell the police to stand down, what is a person left to do? Watch their life's work go up in smoke or accept a severe beating or worse? The political progressives in these cities are at the top of the totem pole of blame.

Couldn't agree more! -Al
Justin, Thanks for your service. Sorry for the loss of your friend and comrade.

We have a memorial, like all LEO Organizations, honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Several of my friends made the list. I feel like I know everyone one on that wall. Its a bond that’s hard to explain.
31…..I beat you by one year.

Enjoy your retirement.


Thank God you don't have to try and do your job in today's environment.

Thank you.


We firemen in Detroit have done it differently since 1865. The Detroit Firemen’ Fund has maintained a plot in Elmwood Cemetery and Mt. Eliot cemetery seen here. There are over 500 firemen buried in each cemetery. Our Memorial Day parade is an annual occurrence since before Memorial Day was established nationally.

Very Honorable Francis, and quite fitting. I am going to try to stay out of places like that as long as I can.:D

Politics aside....Is there a legal precedent established following a trial court verdict? Guilty or not guilty verdicts are based on evidence or lack thereof and 12 members of your peers. Every trial is different. The only take away I see from this Verdict is that If you find yourself in a Jam,Hire the best lawyer you can afford.:D


You are correct. This is a bit off topic, but the worst legal precedents that have been set include:

1. Holding Cessna liable for a pothole in a runway, causing them to stop manufacturing new planes for 30 years
2. McDonald's caving to the old lady who spilled hot coffee on herself
3. The photographer in New Mexico back in the 90's who refused to shoot a gay wedding.
You are correct. This is a bit off topic, but the worst legal precedents that have been set include:

1. Holding Cessna liable for a pothole in a runway, causing them to stop manufacturing new planes for 30 years
2. McDonald's caving to the old lady who spilled hot coffee on herself
3. The photographer in New Mexico back in the 90's who refused to shoot a gay wedding.

I'm not familiar with ## 1 and 3; however, based on the the two articles below, I don't disagree with the McDonald's verdict.'s_Restaurants
I'm not familiar with ## 1 and 3; however, based on the the two articles below, I don't disagree with the McDonald's verdict.'s_Restaurants

And again I disagree with your lack of disagreement..... you're like the folks who grunt and whine about "reading posts they don't like".... SO DON'T READ THE BOOK IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!!


I didn't like 'Fight Club'.... so I didn't watch it. Tried a 2nd time and made it further.... third time I tried I made it to the end but I only got through it because folks said "I had to" cuz "it's meaningful" and all that (which was crap, it's revisionist tripe) but the point is, I willingly didn't partake of things I feel might be more harm than gain. MY choice..... I don't choose to freeclimb El Capitan and look down on those who do..... but I'll certainly never advocate that the practice should be "banned", nor that someone else (me) should pay to clean up after the dipsticks who evacuate theyselfs over God's quarter acre.

Actions Have Consequences

And Lord Forfend that you buy coffee hot enough to burn you!

Or drive fast enough that if you hit something you'll die

Or hannle a gun that could actually HURT you

People like you are the reason Alec will get off because......... mic drop ........ "he din't pull the trigger"

If you actually could carry your logic to fruition you'd find that you CANNOT hold a job because the simple act of getting out of bed and driving to work is too dan'rous....

But you can't

so you won't