Significant rule changes at Williamsport

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just a little info

The last year's IBS agenda item that would allow a LG to shoot in HG class with a muzzle brake was not passed for reasons that were in the wording. The item was, I believe, too restricting. The gun would have had to be shot with all LG rules ( except # of shots ). I think it would be a better rule change to just allow brakes in HG period. A few people are strongly against it, but alot are for it. There are agenda items this year to address this issue.

As far as IBS shooting 10 shots in LG instead of 5...sorry guys, I believe that from what I hear there are too many shooters against it. But having said that, any of you guys up in the PA club that are IBS members also, can do an agenda item on this issue. Get 25 signatures and it can be addressed. I believe you have at least that many up there, and I am on the IBS Long Range Committee this year. Get it to me and I guarantee it will be brought before the committee.

A few people are strongly against it, but alot are for it.
And I suspect a lot are like me; we'd rather not see brakes in HG, but understand that a lot of new shooters can't afford a separate HG, at last, not right away. I don't like the noise, but understand the desire to let more people compete in HG.

I know I'm always glad when the LG are put away and you can take off your ear protection if you're 20 yards or so away from the firing line. You don't do that when it is LG time.
:eek:Dave you are WEIRD!!!! I am from the south and to hell with syrup on MY grits!!!!!

I like maple syrup on ice cream. I like cheese in my grits.
Of course what's the difference between syrup on grits and brown sugar on oatmeal?
