side focus scope parallax question?


I have noticed recently with my side focus parallax that i get adjusted at 100yrds and when i shoot its out of adjustment, barrel mirage shield on. then i monkey around and get a good image and no parallax and when i shoot its out of focus again, some times very first shot sometimes 2 or 3 shots but it gets out of focus.
That is not normal is it?
I ask a buddy and he said he allways adjusts his after every shot, what?
once i set my parallex at my yardage on my front focus scope i dont touch it unless i change yardage.

Is it a good scope?

If so, try looking away and back several times. Sometimes your eyes will adjust differently, compensating or focusing instead of the scope doing the work.

When (if) you find a setting that works consistently maybe mark it with tape for appropriate yardage?? I can't see it changing mechanically.

but then what do I know :)

It may be that this is why one manufacturer has a locking side focus knob. I can see it now, a fancy side focus scope, with a piece of tape holding it in focus from shot to shot. On the other hand...if that is what it takes....
I _think_ that's so's you don't inadvertantly bump it aint it Boyd?

but then what do I know?


My Sightron 10-50X side-focus works fine and doesn't need re-adjusting..... just set it and forget it.
Sounds like you got a Leupy and it's just time for routine monthly maintenance lol.
The side focus works by moving a small lens assy back and forth inside the scope. There is the possibility that what ever is in there that holds tension has been compromised. It is a mechanicle apparatus, so it can fail.

Long time ago, I had a 45x Leupold that would do that, they fixed it in short order............jackie
I don't feel so stupid now. My 40X Leupold comp is doing that to me.
I have a side focus that needs adjusting after each shot an a 375 H&H. Have not tried it on a softer recoiling rifle. Sent it back to manufacturer and they said it is fine.
I dont thinks its normal that the recoil from a bench rest rifle would jar the scope out of focus.
I dont know this for sure on a side focus because i only ever have had two of them. and at this time both are down the for different reasons. one departed on a rifle i sold to fund another project, and this one,cause i no like it..but i never have had the problem with any front focus scopes, and if i have this problem with the new leupold
im not sure what i will do, but you can not be adjusting your scope ever shot in competition.
there has to be something loose inside the scope.
Leupold side focus scopes seem to have a reputation for being difficult to adjust to achieve parallax "compensation" & sharp focus, as I've found with the LTRs I use in another discipline. Perhaps the issue is that the correct adjustment hasn't been achieved but that the shooter's eye compensates initially but is destroyed by recoil.
one thing to note on the side focus units is to take the focus all the way out and then back to your distance. Wiggling back and forth in a small range always leaves you hunting.
Could it be lash settling out?

im sure some scopes have the lash issue, but no this scope was supposably to have the best worm drive side focus with zero backlash. it was rated one of the best tac scopes out there, some guys have em on 50BMG's and one fellow said he could throw his rifle down the steps and feels it would be right on.

now the leupolds your to roll to infinity and slowly back till no parallax and stop, if you go too far you have to go back and start over.
I tryed that no good.

but i sure hope i have no trouble with the new leupold. its more what i need for BR anyway.
I just had this big tac scope for varmit hunting and (long range fun shooting) so i was shooting it as a HV BR rifle,Great optics and a field of view on 36x that would blow your mind. But really it was just too big and heavy.