Shut 'er down!!

Anderson was elected as a Republican to a four-year term in Nebraska's Unicameral Legislature in 1972. During his term, Anderson felt that the Republican Party was too engaged in partisan politics, so he changed affiliation from the Republican to the Democratic Party. At the end of his term, Anderson did not seek re-election.

Sadly, that is exactly what is happening in many state legislatures (as well as in Congress) today. Honest, hard-working public servants are simply quitting because partisan politics has gotten so ugly.

A new book: TIP AND THE GIPPER is about the relationship between Tip O'Neil and Ronald Reagan back in the day when politics worked for the benefit of the country and politicians worked together to bring it about despite strongly differing beliefs. Now, "bipartisanship" and "compromise" are dirty words to the Tea Party and nothing gets done because a small minority wants only to disrupt and obstruct. Our government worked pretty well at one time but now who can claim that?

2014 and 2016 will be interesting election years indeed.

I have just read this entire thread. My thought is very simple. Over 60% of the electorate believes that the law is bad. It is our elected officials duty to repeal it NOW. Remember " for the people, by the people". They are there to represent us, not themselves.

I do not anyone who has read the entire law, does anyone else?

I have just read this entire thread. My thought is very simple. Over 60% of the electorate believes that the law is bad. It is our elected officials duty to repeal it NOW. Remember " for the people, by the people". They are there to represent us, not themselves.

I do not anyone who has read the entire law, does anyone else?


Fine and good Danny but how many of our congresspersons know how we feel? How many of us have told them how we feel? And it is just so easy, simply go to; and and email them. Takes about 2-3 minutes total.

Want to know why those same elected officials go with what the lobbyists tell them? Because we don't, and that is a fact!!
I just did a search and read through the results of polls taken this past week on the ACA. None showed results anywhere near 60% against, typical was around 30%. Some reporting 45% against! but when you examine the breakdown of the question results, showed 10-15 were against it because it didn't go far enough. Open ended questions showed people were against it because it contained "death squads", or they just didn't understand it.
I've read the condensed version (all 2,000 pages) and could list dozens of reasons why I'm against it.....and none of those reasons touch on death squads.

I'm more curious to know the logistical "whys" from those that support it. Get down to the fundamentals of why you think the government should or can run the program. The entitlements they currently manage are all broke. And with dollar devaluation and 17 trillion in debt we're willing to up the Feds influence on GDP to 43%? This roll the dice attitude and let's see what happens when it goes into effect is derelict.

I honestly believe the libs have over reached on this and it'll cost them dearly in 5 to 10 years. Unfortunately by then we may be in a fiscal hole we can't get out of.

The rubber will eventually hit the road and they'll have to defend it. .

Now, "bipartisanship" and "compromise" are dirty words to the Tea Party

Let's see if I can get this straight. The democrats and Harry Reid exhibited bipartisanship when they wrote the Affordable Care Act by themselves while not allowing the Republicans to participate. And Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi exhibit a desire to compromise by saying that they will not negotiate with the Republicans. Yep it's all the fault of the Tea Party.
You'se guys are wasting your breath...... Ann Coulter said it best, "if liberals had a brain, they'd be conservatives!"

I personally know dozens (hundreds?) of liberals and their only methodology is "try it and see if it works" as they haven't the ability to learn from history nor to understand cause and effect. "Ya' gotta' try it to see if it'll work!"....... They also believe in stuff like "the experts said that airplane can't fly" and "everybody thought Edison was a kook" and "that's just some engineer's opinion." In their world the funding, the "help" comes "from the government."

"unintended consequences" is libspeak for "oops!"

Remember....... this is the same set of "shooters" who 6mo ago were here on this very board trying to convince us that Wha'Bama wasn't after anybody's guns, that he and Uncle Pervy is just reg'lar folks. Patriotic Americans to the core..... "just fire a couple rounds off the back patio".......

vicvanb thinks the rhetoric "grow America from the middle class out" is meaningful!

Yes Wilbur, we are in trouble.


I read a post on another web site recently that said that conservatives come from a position of principles whereas liberals come from a position of agendas. That seems to be about right.
I read a post on another web site recently that said that conservatives come from a position of principles whereas liberals come from a position of agendas. That seems to be about right.

I read ... that both conservatives and liberals come from a position devoid of logic and everything smothered in emotions. And, that the sane and logical are centered.
And Will Rogers entertainer. Just because he commented on things doesn't necessarily make him any more relevant than Jay Leno.
Sorry, but...

vicvanb thinks the rhetoric "grow America from the middle class out" is meaningful!

And alinwa thinks Mitt Romney's 47% just don't count and can be ignored (and have their positions misrepresented by conservatives).
And Will Rogers entertainer. Just because he commented on things doesn't necessarily make him any more relevant than Jay Leno.

You know, some guys are just experts on everything. They have posts on almost every thread of this forum. They are experts on everything that pertains to benchrest,,,,except actually going to the matches and competing.

If some of these experts could just step away from their keyboard long enough and go to some major shoots;

1) they would might enjoy the competition and camaraderie.

2) In a short time if their expertise proves out as they profess, they might even surpass Tony Boyers some 164 HOF points.
So, Jerry, you're a put your money where your mouth is kind of guy. Another thing that Will Rogers said was, if government money bothers you, don't take any.

So I guess you don't take social security & didn't sign up for Medicare, right? Well, I don't take Social Security yet, though I was eligible seven years ago. Saved what I made & didn't ever take on debt. Still, I'll probably have to take Social Security at some point.

Medicare though, I had no choice. If I'd continued my group policy from work, the premiums, with a $2,000 deductible & $75 co-pay, would have been a bit over $12,000 a year. So if anything happens, that's $14,000 off the top, every year, before paying for anything insurance didn't cover. This was a few years ago, long before the Affordable Health Care Act.

And things do happen. I've had chemo therapy twice. Without insurance, the first hospital bill (all as an out-patient) would have been over $100,000. That's for six sessions of CHOP, a treatment developed around 1950. Not exactly the latest, most expensive treatment, was it? They do mark things up a bit, don't they? That was 18 years ago; prices have likely gone up.

Next time required a bit of surgery -- take two plugs out of the small intestine. Less work for the surgeon than fixing two holes, as a soldier would get with a belly wound. Total of six days in the hospital. Cost for that before the negotiated insurance adjustment was $26,000. Then 4 sessions of Chemo (outpatient) with a newer drug. "List" cost (what you pay if you don't have an insurance company to negotiate a lower rate) for the four sessions was $240,000. That was 10 years ago. Apparently not some desperate attempt to get a few more weeks of life....

Glad you have that kind of money. I don't.

Oh yeah, about those hungry kids - you figured out a way they can go to work & earn enough to eat, starting when they pop out & momma can't feed them? Even if momma's a dead-beat jerk, that ain't the kid's fault. Or is it?

Guess I have an agenda. The principle would be, Screw 'em. Just let them die.
If a person pays in to social security then they should take it whether they believe in it or not when they want if they want, nothing wrong with that.
So, Jerry, you're a put your money where your mouth is kind of guy. Another thing that Will Rogers said was, if government money bothers you, don't take any.

So I guess you don't take social security & didn't sign up for Medicare, right? Well, I don't take Social Security yet, though I was eligible seven years ago.
Oh yeah, about those hungry kids - you figured out a way they can go to work & earn enough to eat, starting when they pop out & momma can't feed them? Even if momma's a dead-beat jerk, that ain't the kid's fault. Or is it?

Guess I have an agenda. The principle would be, Screw 'em. Just let them die.

Social Security? I paid into it for fourtysome years, and I shouldn't draw from it? Medicare? Paid for that too and am still paying for it if my Sociable Security statements are correct.

Charles, you are a smart guy so tell me how come most voter age Americans are so dumb. We older guys all know that EVERY government shutdown, the "workers" were laid off, but still got paid...just an extra vacation...WOW!

I'll bet the sorry bastards (and bastardesses) didn't' shut down the luxurious dining rooms in the House, Senate and Capital buildings and they are all contract workers. Have you ever dined n one of them? I have and the food is great the prices are great too.

Hopefully, this latest fiasco will make what few voters there still are VOTE THE BASTARDS (AND BASTARDESSES) OUT....but it will never happen.

So, tell me, who shut the government down this time?? I say all three branches.
""if government money bothers you, don't take any""

The Governments money? I never knew they had any. What did they do to earn money.

All the money I ever knew of was what they took from the working people or paid the FED to print, then paid the FED to use it,,,, or borrowed it.....much of it from the COMMUNISTS!!
There are other countries already set up for what a lot of people want this country to be like. Those people can probably go there if they tried hard enough and be happy, probably have to leave their guns behind though.