Should I ask an easier Question?


Kim Cosstick

I dont know how else to ask for the ideal length BBL
You should slug the barrel and let that tell you where to cut. Go back and read the ARA News Letter, do a search for Bill's articles in Precision Shooting, the information is out there. I don't think you want to cut it off a 24". There is no easy answer to this question, every barrel is different.
Here is my experience with cutting back barrels..

I bought a Winchester 52-C years ago for my wife to shoot BR-50. It had the factory 28" Bull barrel on it.. I had the barrel cut to 24" and recrowned and my wife won quite a few matches with that rifle. I am still shooting that rifle in BR today and it stills shoot great.

I also bought a Remington 40X that had the Factory Bull barrel on it. I had that one cut to 22" and had it recrowned. It shot great also. I just got that one back and shot it on Saturday and it still shoots exceptionally well.

So, if you run a patch through the barrel and find a tight spot, anywhere from 20" to 28", cut it off and get it recrowned and it should shoot well for you.. With today's tuners, you will be able to tune the barrel for somewhat better accuracy, though a tuner will not make a BAD barrel shoot.

One thing, if you screw it up, just get one of the great gunsmiths to put another barrel on it...:)


Dave Smith
Hey Kim,
I would agree with everything that Dave has said. I have been doing a bit of research on barrel harmonics (to find the right tuner) and have come across some really good info. along the way. Check out the Calfee site and click on the article section. He has a wonderfully clear explanation of barrel harmonics.
I have learned two things which are applicable to your question. The first is that the "average" Bull Barrel is 18.5" long. I think that this may be the point at which the node comes into play on most BBLs. The other is that Tuners and or resonators are essential for anything beyond plinking. If I were in your position, I would e-mail Bill Calfee to get the last word.
Best of luck
Hello again,
Sorry, just read further and found you have already contacted Mr. Calfee....So, either ring your barrel to find the node, or cut it to his recommended length of 20" and call it a day. Your barrel is obviously too heavy to have much harmonic bend, therefore you don't need to add anything onto the barrel.
Cut, Crown and Shoot. t.
Thanks for the replys I was starting to think I was not going to get an answer.
When you put a patch through is it tight firm or loose? I have tried to find a tight spot and it all feels the same to my big mits.

I use a tight fitting patch. When you push the patch through the barrel, you may, or may not "feel" a spot where the patch gets a little tighter. If you cannot detect any different in resistance for the full length of the barrel, then cut it off and recrown it at any length you want. I know that when I sent my Win 52-C to Bill Calfee to rebarrel, he called me back and said that he had just "slugged" my barrel and that it was the most uniform barrel that he had ever slugged (at that time), and that he would not change the barrel if it was his rifle.. That barrel is still shooting..
Take a chance and cut it to the length that you like. If the barrel doesn't live up to your expectations, then get a new barrel put on it..

Hope this helps..
