Should Custom actions be ready to go?

Now that it's possible to answer without the usual BS retort....perhaps we should remember that in rimfire and centerfire exactly how razor thin a margin seperates so many guns on the line and performing "to a competitive level" vs "performing to my gunsmiths expectations" and that quite often one smith may wish to make propiatary mods, little tweeks, etc. It has always been this way, probably always will.
In the centerfire world currently, the most widely used action on the line now has been enjoying a years worth of Q&A as to wether or not it requires at least one if not two mods to straighten out an issue that may or may not exist but I suspect even if it does, not to the degree forum speculation would suggest.
In the end it's why most of us have learned the best performance comes from avoiding "gun assemblers". Within reason I don't care what it costs to get a gun I can count on over time, we've all had at least one or two of the alternatives.
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Concerning Consumer Products, in general: the quality tends to be as good as we demand it to be. If faulty design and workmanship is acceptable then that is what those who purchase whatever it is will get.


I guess we rfbr shooters just don't complain enough. Top dollar should ensure that no tinkering, fettling, voodoo, moding should be necessary. Pre production R&D and post production Q&A should be sufficiently stringent as to make that happen. If it ain't then why choose that custom action. Of course there always be the individual "I'll pay any price to get one that shoots" messer.
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