Shooting rooms, Need advise!

Here's another idea. Pour a cement pad just outside the building and make a bench that will roll outside onto the cement pad. The roll-up door is a good idea. You can use a space heater to keep your toes warm. It's much better if your muzzle is outside plus you can feel what the wind is doing.
Nix the rollup door unless you plan on equalizing temps in and out AND having a fan going. Equalizing temps of course buggers up the "inside" concept! :) Might as well just make it outside.

Here's a picture of my firstestofall outside bench (7 benches ago!) It's still very confortable and it's well shrouded so even when it's COLD a liddle heater on the lower extremities is all that's needed.

This pic only shows half the bench, I took the pic to show the isolated legs..... the top and legs are poured separate from the slab.

I had little hunks of plywood stacked off in the corner for those loooong testing days alone. I'd slip in these partitions and a small heater and when I went back and forth to reload I'd slide another sheet acros't the front. On the REALLY cold days I'd even throw a hunk of bedsheet over the gun and the shooting hole, heat would waft up and keep the gun comfy..... It felt awesome to come over to set down and settle into a pool of warmth.

This range really sucked compared to now. My reloading area was 30ft away and I had to WALK there! Now I just roll my chair over.......




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