Shooting rooms, Need advise!


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My folks are building a new home on one of our farms just 6 miles up the road, and i am trading all the concrete work for a shooting range. Dad is going to add another 8' on to the back of the new pole barn, or his hot rod shop as he likes to call it. I will have a room 8'x32' to make my shooting room with. I am only going to have 2 benches, one for me and one for mason, my shooting Pard or my dad or who ever. The benches will be concrete set on blocks and i already have the tops done. I though about adding another bench but i have plans for a lathe within the next year so i will need the extra room for that. My dad is a tool maker for GE so i have a free teacher, plus i though about taking a course at our local junior college. What i am abit unsure of is what to use for the shooting ports. I figured a standard 32" window would work but i am not real sure. The barn is brand new and i have to keep the appearance clean so i cant think of anything else. I am also a bit concerned about muzzle blast. the windows will be up of course but this is all new to me and i have never shot inside a building before. We will build an inside wall to separate the last 8' of building that will be mine and i plan on insulating the heck out of it. There will be 8' ceilings and i will also insulate that. Do you think regular pink insulation is enough or is there something better to use? Just looking for comments and ideas. I think my plan is pretty solid other than window size, but i am open minded to any ideas from you fellas that might already have such a set up. thanks Lee
If I was going to do this I would be up at least 8 feet so you would be above anybody suddenly walking by. I think you want the muzzle to extend outside, or a muffled tube to keep the inside blast down. A centerfire indoors is really loud.

Thanx, Russ
My folks are building a new home on one of our farms just 6 miles up the road, and i am trading all the concrete work for a shooting range. Dad is going to add another 8' on to the back of the new pole barn, or his hot rod shop as he likes to call it. I will have a room 8'x32' to make my shooting room with. I am only going to have 2 benches, one for me and one for mason, my shooting Pard or my dad or who ever. The benches will be concrete set on blocks and i already have the tops done. I though about adding another bench but i have plans for a lathe within the next year so i will need the extra room for that. My dad is a tool maker for GE so i have a free teacher, plus i though about taking a course at our local junior college. What i am abit unsure of is what to use for the shooting ports. I figured a standard 32" window would work but i am not real sure. The barn is brand new and i have to keep the appearance clean so i cant think of anything else. I am also a bit concerned about muzzle blast. the windows will be up of course but this is all new to me and i have never shot inside a building before. We will build an inside wall to separate the last 8' of building that will be mine and i plan on insulating the heck out of it. There will be 8' ceilings and i will also insulate that. Do you think regular pink insulation is enough or is there something better to use? Just looking for comments and ideas. I think my plan is pretty solid other than window size, but i am open minded to any ideas from you fellas that might already have such a set up. thanks Lee

A shooting room? Why? What calibers will be used?

I hope you will reconsider doing this for the simple reason it would be very dangerous. There would be a great risk of someone unfamiliar with the setup walking in front of the muzzle just as you fired. I know, it's on a farm and you wouldn't think anyone would do something like that but Murphy's law is alive and well. Why not put your benches outside and use the floor space for your lathe and other machines?

Gene Beggs
I bought a blue strobe type light that me and my girls used for Halloween. We set up a crime scene in the driveway. Anyway i am going to mount this onto the side of the barn when the range is in use. I will also have the sign man at the city garage make me a couple signs to post when the range is in use, I wont shoot when the girls are present anyway but i will have to take precautions, your correct!! I never thought about elevating the benches. I'm not real sure how i would do that, and i dont know if shooting down hill will cause any irregularities to the groups?? Interesting idea however. While reading your post i also thought about adding a couple smaller windows to each end of the barn so i could see if someone was approaching. Small windows are cheep!
Thanks lee

The muzzel of the rifle will be aproximatly 8 to 10" inside the window. do you think that will be a problem?
I shoot from an 10x10 building with windows front and side. Between the two front facing windows is a 2 ft sq. opening. Attached to that opening is a 8 ft long 3 ft sq. tunnel constructed of Pressure treated 1x6 and aluminum faced 3 in high density foam panels. Inside the tunnel is lined with 2 layers of 3 inch Tectum with a 1 inch space between panels. These are acoustic panels that are both abuse and impact resistant. Tectum products are cementitious wood fiber acoustical panels composed of aspen wood fibers. All of our products carry a Class A/1 interior finish rating for flame and smoke. I have other people shoot while I was 200 yards away and the muzzle blast is reduced to almost nothing. I live in a rural area of mostly farm people and the closest house is 500 ft away. They are never sure if it was me shooting or some one in the valley. So far the only thing that has walked by are deer and turkey.
I bought a blue strobe type light that me and my girls used for Halloween. We set up a crime scene in the driveway. Anyway i am going to mount this onto the side of the barn when the range is in use. I will also have the sign man at the city garage make me a couple signs to post when the range is in use, I wont shoot when the girls are present anyway but i will have to take precautions, your correct!! I never thought about elevating the benches. I'm not real sure how i would do that, and i dont know if shooting down hill will cause any irregularities to the groups?? Interesting idea however. While reading your post i also thought about adding a couple smaller windows to each end of the barn so i could see if someone was approaching. Small windows are cheep!

Thanks lee

The muzzel of the rifle will be aproximatly 8 to 10" inside the window. do you think that will be a problem?

Lee you won't like shooting a high powered rifle inside a room with the muzzle 8 to 10" inside the window. If you are determined to do this, at the very least, have the muzzle protruding from the window, and I would also erect a chain-link fence to ABSOLUTELY PREVENT someone from inadvertently stepping into the line of fire. Don't give fate a shot at you.

Again may I ask, "Why do you want to do this?" The reason I ask is I have experience building and operating the tunnel in West Texas. I can save you a lot of trouble. Are you simply wanting to be comfortable and protected from the weather or do you think having the bench inside a room will help with wind drift etc.??

Gene Beggs
So you think it would be a better idea to set the benches several feet back from the windows and build some sort of a tunnel? I'm am trying to picture all this and figure out how i would do it. Tom if it isn't to much trouble could you take a couple pictures in the next day or so and send them to me or post them here. If you can sir! Thanks Lee
What you are proposing is not safe. These days one cannot rely on signs to make this situation safer. Even with outside benches you may have a problem with homeowners insurance. Sorry but the legal burden could fall on your parents, not only you. You would be putting their assets at risk.
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this shoot room will mainly be used in the winter months while it is cold. The crop will be up during the summer months and the shoot room wont be used much. I will take all precaution necessary to make this safe. 98 out of 100 times the only people that will be on the land will be mom and dad. i wont ever shoot if my kids are present. Ever!!!
I am a grown man and i appreciate the the safety advise, however i would never jeopardies the safety of others in any way. This wont be a free for all, this is private land and i feel confident about this choice. There are lots of folks who have a bench set up in the garage to shoot from in the winter months. If one takes this seriously there shouldn't ever be reason for incident! Thanks Lee
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Listen to Gene Beggs........Safety is most important. I know that you think so because you have a family. Quit pulling peoples chains. Safety first. You apparently live in farmland, as I do. Mistakes cost lives whether it's on a tractor, grain bin, combine, grain drag, or maybe next a shooting room. The safety part of what you are designing is negligent. You are only worried about your ears. Muzzle at or outside windows (fence outside to prevent anyone from going downrange of projectiles) with a box style insulated heat duct that fit the window with the muzzle inside it on the bench and rifle rest. Keep those kids away from the barn. You can neck down the noise deafening insulation to whatever diameter you want. But I'd have a heating professional build a removable insulated SQUARE box that fit the window size you or he wants so you can see through the scope at the distance you want to and then make an attachment that would accommidate the muzzle for noise. But safety being number one. I'll repeat, safety being number one.....especially those that may be downrange. It will still be loud for a centerfire I believe. But sound and safety are two different things. Best of luck.

John M. Carper
I am not sure were i gave anyone the idea that i will be shooting high power rifles out of a window with other people around. i would never ever ever jeopardies my family or anyone else. We aren't doing this thing half ass. we have the resources to do this properly and that is exactly what we are going to do. I will also repeat this one more time. i will not ever have my rifles out if my kids are at there grandmas. no need to! I love to shoot but i am not a risk taker by nature. I take no ill chances ever. and i mean never!!!!!! This isn't an issue fellas safety will be taken seriously!! I just got off the phone with gentlemen that called me after reading this. He advised i use a 36" window as it will give plenty of room to see upcoming people when sitting close enough to the window that the muzzle is outside or even with the window. He also said the noise will be less than shooting under a tin roof at a gun club, when the muzzle is even or past the open window. He also explained to me how to build my bench tops so the muzzle extends past the window and it also allows more peripheral vision. hell i may even find 42" windows so i can see even further. Please fellas believe i am a very responsible individual. If i thought for a minute this would endanger my family or anyone Else i wouldn't do it! Thanks Lee
Don't think I'm trying to pile on, but this year, while shooting from an enclosed
shooting bench, a surveyor / employee of such wandered in front of my bench as I was about to shoot. He did not speak english and had no idea what I was doing. I was focused
and didn't notice his yellow vest right away. Yup 1 in 10,000 but it could have happened.
My window is very big now
yep you are correct it can happen! All i can do is my best! If i use the brain god gave me aong with a little common sence all should be fine! I think i got the info i needed from the phone conversation i had eirlier. I will post pics when the project is complete. thanks Lee
Skeet I've lived on a "private range" for 20+yrs

Some items I feel STRONGLY about follow.

#1.... DO NOT!!!!! May I repeat DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER shooting through any sort of attenuation tube at ground level. If you're going to build a silencer tube you MUST build it such that it extends from a second floor or higher. If you can sleep at night after putting shots thru a tube that some little kid could pop up in..........

#2..... DO NOT shoot with the muzzle inside. Trust me on this one, from someone who's done it. My shooting room is 48ft wide with a bunch of windows, a large room and it still doesn't work. PLUS the muzzle blast burns the #$%^ out of vinyl window frames, sheetrock, glass etc.

#3..... DO NOT shoot through a small opening. Here's what you do. Build the room with a 4' or even 5' exterior overhang, put in at least a 4' WIDE window that lifts vertically and STICK THE MUZZLE OUT THE WINDER!!!! Two biggie reasons here; number one you need the versatility afforded by the wide window and number two YOU NEED TO SEE!!! You absolutely NEED to see your periphery. For safety and for seeing conditions you need to see. And now you lissen to the other guys here and extend chainlink fence or something all the way out in front so that NOBODY no matter how oblivious can get in front of you. The window you want is a vinyl 4-0X5-0 single hung and in addition I built folding steel window covers that must be opened to shoot and when opened they fold out to block anyone from popping up under the muzzle. One of these fold-out covers is shown below. You'll also notice that I put in the wrong windows at this range, we have to go to extreme lengths to ensure that no one can get out front.

OR..... my first range was OUTSIDE the room, still warm and dry and under a large overhang but with an open visual periphery. This setup has the added advantage of working well in cold weather. No matter how cold it gets you can shoot outside but shooting out a window will create huge mirage problems. In fact, by the time you get the airflow to clear up you'll be freezing worse INSIDE than outside! I currently have both, inside and outside.

First rule of building your own range...... YOU WILL USE IT 'WAYYY MORE THAN YOU THOUGHT. All your highfalutin' plans about "only when the place is deserted" will go out the window when you decide you want the girls along to shoot... and friends.... and you're just out for a half-day and have the time.... etc....etc.

Take lots of time.

Ask lots of questions.

Do it right and you'll never look back.



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Thank you sir. I am now starting to see how all this needs to come together. I promise all of you folks here i will take no short cuts. No need to! I enjoy my shooting time and our sport way to much to do any of this half arst!!! Matter of fact i never take any short cuts in any area of my life. Life is to short to do so, plus it makes no sense!! I also want all of you to know that i appreciate each and everyone of your opinions, i always do!! I can do all of these suggestions and will. What i am thinking about now is instead of a window i may just buy a roll up door. If i have to equalize the rooms temp before i shoot maybe this would be the best way to achieve it?? Al if you have a minute today would you please call me sir? Or please send me your number and i will call you. I have a few more questions for you sir. thanks to all!! I will take pics and post! Lee
when you have worked in the concrete business for 20 years and your hands are cracked and split from the concrete, the winters here play hell on my hands. It hurts like no other! I'm sure it doesn't get as cold here as up north but it does get cold. Besides why not have a nice place to shoot out of the weather if you can! This is something most of us dream of having and now i have the opportunity to have a shoot room for myself. I will have an outside bench as well for when the weather is nice. I enjoy hanging out with a good friend and killing an afternoon and what better place to do so than something like this. thanks again. Lee
Lee you are correct. It's something I think about a lot. I am 45 an hour from the 2 clubs, that I am a member at.
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if you need to elevate a bench dont worry about shooting down hill. simply tip the bench slightly to point at the target. when you come home from a level range like st louis your gear will not need a complete make over to shoot at home. empties wont be a problem-but if they are get a bench snake.
after talking with dad this morning we may just do a 8x8 roll up door. that will be equal to the price of 2 windows and maybe even cheaper. i can get the door for 250. maybe that will give ampel visual effect? just please fellas know whatever we do will be done right. i dont cut corners on anything in my life! have a good day. its contract voting day here at the city and it wont be pretty! lee