Some years back
I was talking with a fellow that had built a raindrop counter as a school project and he said that he had a bunch of data related to the size and density of raindrops. I had already proven many times that a raindrop has the capability of striking a bullet so I asked him to calculate the probability. His response was not favorable at the moment but one fine day he returned with some figures. I'll summarize as I don't remember the numbers. In a light rain, the probability is almost nil and, of course, grows higher as the density increases. Using the data from the heaviest rain recorded it became almost a sure thing that the bullet would hit a raindrop.
This is almost useless information if the range officer calls commence fire when it's raining but can be used to play out the upcoming seven minutes if you can out guess the "hardness" of the rain. The most important thing you can do in a hard rain is make sure your bore doesn't get wet and that your barrel is not pointing into a major "drip" from the roof....the latter is the most important. Take the time to move your rest over a bit to avoid the drip.
I was talking with a fellow that had built a raindrop counter as a school project and he said that he had a bunch of data related to the size and density of raindrops. I had already proven many times that a raindrop has the capability of striking a bullet so I asked him to calculate the probability. His response was not favorable at the moment but one fine day he returned with some figures. I'll summarize as I don't remember the numbers. In a light rain, the probability is almost nil and, of course, grows higher as the density increases. Using the data from the heaviest rain recorded it became almost a sure thing that the bullet would hit a raindrop.
This is almost useless information if the range officer calls commence fire when it's raining but can be used to play out the upcoming seven minutes if you can out guess the "hardness" of the rain. The most important thing you can do in a hard rain is make sure your bore doesn't get wet and that your barrel is not pointing into a major "drip" from the roof....the latter is the most important. Take the time to move your rest over a bit to avoid the drip.