shooting 10x

a follow up on the chargemaster lite.
it appears it got an attack of static...
wiped it and all the pcs off, turned back on and all is well
just strange.
28.3 shot a .2 at the lands
26.8 shot a .16 at the lands
nothing better in or out, but the winds hid potential.
then my chargemaster lite DIED.
Thank you for explaining. What is 6PPC? And what does .2xx mean? Thanks in advance, even though I hate when people say thanks in advance. :D

Not a benchrester, I bet.. A benchrester is one who shoots a rifle, a benchrest rifle, off(from a bench) at the range w/ special rests-front and rear to support the rifle. Rifle may well weigh 15+ POUNDS.
only one class of 4 allows 15 lbs or more in short range br( real br not "lets make it fair" br)
600 and 1000 yd each have a heavy class.

Not a benchrester, I bet.. A benchrester is one who shoots a rifle, a benchrest rifle, off(from a bench) at the range w/ special rests-front and rear to support the rifle. Rifle may well weigh 15+ POUNDS.