When Charles Dickens wrote the immortal line for Mr Bumble "the law is a ass". He never wrote a truer line.
I disagree. The law is decidedly smart at times.
Concerned about terrorism & need to impress the voters? Enact laws & regulations that restrict free trade of an inordinately large raft of goods. The suckers will believe that you're achieving a great result & all those domestic manufacturers will have their international franchises protected.
Bothered by how the rest of the world does it? Make your regs confused enough that you can respond suitably whenever there's a political need to apply the heat.
And of course, If you're an Aussie like me, just remember what solution one Prime Minister used to sweep the shortcomings of our mental health management under the carpet.
Laws & regulations are enacted to give the impression that decisive action is being taken - and it seems to work every time.
FYI, I have checked with the U.S. Homeland Security and the US Postal service and its perfectly legal to ship rifle scopes to Scotland without any export permits or export license. You also have to check a list to make sure that the receiving party is not on a denied list. Also the US postal said it is legal to ship gun parts to the U.K.
I can not believe all the false and inaccurate info one receives on these sorts of matters. I have always found that if one is not sure of what they are talking about its best not to reply.
After talking with the Dept of State ,US Dept of Commerce,US Bureau 0f Industry and Security, and several other US Govt offices there is NO Licencse or permits to ship a Commercial Grade Rifle Scope to the U.K. If anyone would like their phone numbers PM me.
The scope is on its way to Scotland legally.
These laws do not include export to all foreign countries just mainly the known terrorist countries and the United Kingdom is not one of them. From what I was told Military Spec, electronic devices and Night Vision can not be shipped to U.K. without the proper export license.
Yes, Fragile, Priority Mail,Insured, Content:Leupold Target Rifle Scope 36X,In Box 11-NOEEI30.37 In box 17 -License No.ECCN OA987 is NLR to Scotlandfe1
I don't want to belabor this, but just for my own information - I assume the scope was sent Priority Mail Insured. To be insured they would have asked if the contents were fragile, liquid, etc, etc. How did you ID the contents? Rifle scope? Telescopic sight? And what did you list as the contents on the Customs Declaration?
All of us here can learn from your experience.
Mr. Sorensen,Is Canada a known terrorist country? Part of the commonwealth with ties to the United Kingdom... Canadians have not been able to import plain old rifle scopes from the US without import/export licenses for a few years now because the US State Department will not allow it. We can import them from anywhere else in the world without import/export licenses.
and the published data from several sites includes rifle scopes with Military Spec, electronic devices and Night Vision equipment.