Second Amendment Victory: 71-Year-Old Saves the Day

Chism G

Active member
71-year-old Florida based concealed-weapons permit holder Samuel Williams has garnered quite a bit of attention and praise for courageously defending himself and other patrons at an Internet Café.

Just before 10pm on Friday, two masked men – one wielding a gun – entered the Palms Internet Café in Ocala, Florida. As Duwayne Henderson pointed his handgun at customers, his partner-in-crime Davis Dawkins was destroying a $1,200 computer screen. The men were likely in search of cash; Internet cafes, regulated by the state, offer casino-style games and deal mainly with cash payments.

Unfortunately for the two 19-year-old criminals – Henderson and Dawkins – the 71-year-old Williams pulled out a .380-caliber semi-automatic handgun, stood from his chair, bent down, and fired two shots at Henderson, who then tried to run.

According to The Gainesville Sun’s report of the surveillance video,

Williams takes several more steps toward the door and continues firing as Henderson and Dawkins fall over one another trying to exit the building. The two eventually run off screen.

Both men were shot by Williams. Their wounds were not life-threatening. Each was arrested hours later and charged with attempted armed robbery with a firearm and felony criminal mischief.”

Mary Beach, a patron in the café at the time of the shooting, said, “I think he is wonderful. If he wouldn’t have been there, there could have been some innocent people shot.”

Bill Gladson of the State Attorney’s Office for the 5th Judicial Circuit, in reference to his analysis of the surveillance videos, said, “Based on what I have seen and what I know at this time, I don’t anticipate filing any charges.”

Williams has a concealed-weapons permit, according to the Sheriff’s Office, and is protected by Florida law that allows a person “to use deadly force if he or she fears death or serious injury to themselves or others.”

If the 30 or so people that were in the Internet café weren’t fans of the Constitutional right to bear arms before the incident, I’m sure they are now. Who knows what those two 19-year-old clowns would have done if there weren’t a

responsible gun owner there to save the day.

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This gentleman possibly saved some lives and or severe bodily injury to the innocent. This is what our country is coming to due to the lack of eliminating rabid individuals who don't and won't have any respect for the law let alone human life in general. A brave and honorable response by Mr. Williams and I am sure it came with some after the incident emotions that might linger for quite sometime as shooting another human being is not a natural act even though it was the right thing to do.
Glen I wouldnt hold my breath....

"If the 30 or so people that were in the Internet café weren’t fans of the Constitutional right to bear arms before the incident, I’m sure they are now."
I watched a clip from 60 MINUTES that they aired twice this year. It had to do with an exotic animal (some kind of African antelope if I remember correctly.).
As the story goes this particular animal is no longer just endangered it is now extinct everywhere but on a few game ranches, mainly here in Texas, where it seems to be thriving.
One of the west coast NUTS decided to file suit in Federal court trying to put a stop to the hunting of the animal based on the fact it is/was on the endangered species list.
They interviewed one of the game ranch managers and said that in truth if they cant use the animal to hunt then they have no use for it and it will become extinct EVERYWHERE because they will not allow animals that are not profitable for the ranch.
I agree completely with him as it is a business. However they took the clip back to the woman filing the suit and her response was that she would rather them be completely extinct than allow them to be hunted.......

So in short some of those who were 2nd amendment/gun haters before this will probably remain so, maybe even to the extent of condemning the citizen for protecting others.

There are all kinds of Fruits nuts and flakes out there and even when faced with facts they are still blind.

I'm glad about the positive outcome, because as Louis.J stated; "This gentleman possibly saved some lives and or severe bodily injury to the innocent." However, did any of you CHL holders out there (like myself for one) catch the very important sublime message and lesson to be learned from this particular real life situation?

IF YOU CARRY; DON'T BE GIRLIE MAN! WHY WOULD YOU EVER BET YOUR LIFE ON A .380! ? (no pun intended that they were in a Florida gambling room)

This old gentleman looked like he had the element of surprise and the advantage of point blank aim from only a few feet away. But, did you observe the manner with which the perpetrators showed NO wincing of pain or any signs of trauma from their wounds? It seems a lucky thing that these two young men were NOT hardened criminals. Nor did it appear they were under the influence of mind or body numbing narcotics which might have produced quite a different outcome in the way of their fighting back and ultimately hurting or killing one or more of these people.

While smaller caliber weapons like the 380 or a 9mm will certainly often kill a perp, they will NOT stop the attack in it's tracks. I personally try not to carry anything smaller then a .40 cal weapon myself. Don't take my opinion or the advice of police across the nation who have been involved or witnessed countless shootings...........just watch that video again and draw your own conclusions.