Score match in CT August 15th

Hi Mike btt

I'm planning on bringing two rifles myself. One for each class. Gonna be tough to decide which one gets to stay in the truck:) Hopefully we can get all the guns to the line in a timely fashion. Thats above my pay grade I'm afraid. We'll just have to see as you said. I'm sure Bill Sargent can help with that decision.
I'd rather have too many as oppossed to not enough;)

Thank You Mike for putting this on. Its been long past due in Ct.
Thank You Bill and others for your help. Its very much appreciated by the shooters in this state where no Benchrest competition has previously been available.
Last few days prior to the match and I wanted to give it one more bump to the top. I have been getting some great feedback from various sources that there is going to be a fair to great turnout for the first match. I know of 20 shooters coming, and I am assuming a fair number more who don't frequent the sites will show up as well. Not to mention Bell City members who might be interested.
I have already had a number of requests for group shoots which will hopefully get going next year pending interest.
Looking forward to the match this weekend, and will post the results after its completion.
Thanks, again, for the support.