Scope Power


Hello all, I’m Bob and I just recently joined this forum. I’ve been shooting bench-rest seriously for the last three years with my HW660M. I shoot 50y at the Blue Mountain Sportsman Center here in Westchester NY. There are no other BS shooters there so It’s just me. The question I’ve been pondering is about scope power and what is appropriate to the sport.
Lots of guys still use 36X's quite often, several have moved to 40X, 42X and 45X with better glass, etc.
Good old Weavers and Sightrons work well. Quite a few Leuplod 40 and 45's out there. the New Niteforce 42's are showing up so you can spend $350 right up to $1800 and everything in between.
You have good clubs in the Catskills, central NY, right up into northern NY that all shoot sanctioned matches.
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I’m shooting a variable power scope at 10X and was wondering if that’s OK. Or is it possible to shoot at a higher power?

Thanks Tim, I appreciate your input, believe it or not, I’m still getting used to the rifle and finding out what it likes to shoot. I don’t think I’m ready to shoot any competition just yet. This bench-rest shooting is quite different from just plinking.


Get up to one of those matches. A good bunch of guys to shoot with. Ask questions look around, and observe. You'll learn more there in a day than you could learn in a month by yourself. Rimfire benchrest shooters are some of the most helpful people you'll ever meet. Don't worry about your score, nobody will even look at it unless you beat them. Bob Griffin runs those matches, a nicer guy would be hard to find, give him a call.

When questions concerning equipment come up I always recommend coming to a match and observing and when appropriate asking questions. This will save you time and money when selecting your equipment.

Get up to one of those matches. A good bunch of guys to shoot with. Ask questions look around, and observe. You'll learn more there in a day than you could learn in a month by yourself. Rimfire benchrest shooters are some of the most helpful people you'll ever meet. Don't worry about your score, nobody will even look at it unless you beat them. Bob Griffin runs those matches, a nicer guy would be hard to find, give him a call.



I did some research and found Bob Griffin. I have his phone number and email address, when it gets a little warmer I’ll get in touch with him and get some details. The only problem I can see is the distance to the range, it’s about 90 miles from me. I do thank you though for your input.


Ninety miles is a piece of cake. When I venture down there I'm coming from about 30 miles north of Syracuse.:)
