Scope Mount


New member
Has anyone glued on a scope rail in lieu of drilling and tapping the barrel. If so what process and product was used.

At First thought, everybody would say, "that is ridiculous". But, if you have ever glued two properly prepared metal sufaces together with JB Weld, and then saw just what it took to get them apart, you might think the joint was stronger than four 6-40 screws.

By properly prepared surface, I mean the bottom of the scope rail blasted with nothing finer than garnet, and the same for the top of the action after you have masked off the surface.. (in your initial post, you said barrel, I assume you meant action). Try to do the assembly emmediatly after blasting, any thing you do to it after will only compromise things.

A Rifle such as a typical 6PPC has a pretty light recoil, there is a good possibility that a scope rail would stay put if properly glued.' Anything over that, I would say not.

You must have a reason for wanting to do this. It would seem like an easy way to mount a rail if there was not another option. If you did try it, the main emphasis is on the proper preparation of the two mating surfaces.

As for glue, any 3000 pound epoxie would probably work, JB Weld is still hard to beat.

Tell you what. I'm not going to try it, but if you do, let us know how it works........jackie

actions are glued into stocks.scopes are glued tgether why not
Centered bases

I would also pay particular attention to the alignment of the base/bases. Keeping it/them properly aligned could be difficult without pins or such to keep them centered with the bore.

I did in deed mean the barrel Jackie the top of my falling block action is only about two inches long.

I read one of Bil Calfees posts and he mentioned he could feel the scope mounting screw holes when slugging a barrel.

As with rim fire ( I also shoot lead bullets ) and once the bullet has been swaged down it will not bump back up.( going past the drilled and tapped depressions made by drilling and taping the screw holes )

Its just another one of those variables that I feel I should try in an effort to get the most out of my rifle.

I have been entertaining the idea of buying a new barrel and doing all the work myself and would like to avoid building any handicaps.

If you pursue glueing on a scope mount please let me know how it worked out for you and I will do the same.
I once used JB Weld to glue a set of iron sights to the barrel of my .25BR to meet the rules of a local match I wanted to shoot. They stayed on just fine through several hundred rounds. Had to use a heat gun and brass punch and hammer to get them off. I have also used JB Weld to fill in low areas in the intake side of motorcycle heads that I was porting. Never had any of it come loose.