Scope boosters

You can get them from Gene Davis or Ron Hoehn, they cost a C-note.
Thank you one and all, I have one on the way.
What would we do with out the great folks on these sites.
Thanks everyone.

Semper fi
Not only does the thickness of the reticle increase you will find that the cross hairs become out of focus. To correct that you have to turn the eyepiece in. Some scopes depending on how they have been set up for a particular persons eye sight will run out of thread before good focus is achieved. The more boost the greater the focus shift. Not sure if the parallax is affected as well. Personally I think a variable scope of greater power than is needed is a better option.

I am using a multiplier

on my Weavers this winter but don't understand the need for one. I can't imagine anyone not being able to see a Gnat's Butt @ 50 yds when using a 36X scope! The only reason I am using the multiplier is it doesn't adversely affect me when shooting at 50 Yds and I haven't been able to sell it to anyone :(. I figured I might as well get some value out of it if I can ;).
I am using a 6X scope and want to boost it for ARA where unlimited scope power is OK. I don't want to buy another scope, just boost my 6X to give me a chance to see at 50 yds a little better. Yes my 36X weaver is all I need for 50 yards but sporters in IR 50/50 are limited to 6X, I just want to use the same scope...

Semper fi
Pickles: Using a booster on a 6X scope will make it about an 8X or 9X scope. Hardly enough in my opinion to make a difference.

Why not get another set of mounts for your sporter and put your 36 on it for any ARA sporter events you may find to attend? If both the 6X and 36X are zero'd, swapping the rings and scopes at the same time will not change the POA/POI more than a 1/2 inch or so when swapping them. I frequently do this when testing ammo....I'm not all that good with a 6X scope. My sporter is much more accurate than I am with a 6. We are compatible with a 24 or 36.

Regarding the Davis Booster and a Weaver T36. The 3X booster seems fine for the majority of users. The 4X booster is difficult if not impossible to focus the reticle on a T36. On the other hand a 4X on a T24 focuses the reticle just fine. Without the booster my T36 focus is almost all the way out and with the 3X it is all but 1/2 turn in. With a 4X I cannot focus well enough to use it. bob ps it was nice to meet you at Piney Hill on Saturday. Hope to see you there often.