This particular smith says he has already lapped and bedded the rings without having the actual scope that will be mounted to the rifle, so apparently he used some sort of 30mm tube, 30mm scope or 30mm rod in the process.
Just seems to me like the scope that is going to be used in the rings would not match up correctly to the bedding, thus possably binding the scope and leaving ring marks on a $1700.00 scope.
By the way the rings are a set of $100.00 30mm double screw Kelbly Rings that I hope is not ruined by this unusual process of bedding them in something other than the actual scope that is going to be used.
Would'nt this be the same as bedding a stock with one action and putting a different like action in the same stock and expecting them to mate up correctly?
Please correct me if I'm wrong in my way of thinking.
I guess what I am asking is this: Would I have a legitiment dispute in "not" paying for the service of lapping and bedding 'my' scope rings, that was paid for and furnished by me, and to have them bedded to something other than the actual scope that is going to be installed in the rings? And knowing the smith did not request the actual scope going in the rings and took it upon himself to bed them to something other than my scope.
Would it also seem fair to ask for a replacement set of rings in fear of having to much metal taken off in the lapping process and not being able to remove the epoxy bedding without damaging the rings?
Your honest opinions would be greatly appreciated and would really help me in deciding what to do about the matter at hand.
Thanks for your time.