Someone asked...."If a car was going at the speed of light and the headlights were turned on - what would they look like?"
The light would act like the shock wave that spreads out from a bullet. Directly in front of the car you won't see light because it can't be transmitted to you faster than the speed of light, just like the sound or pressure wave can't be transmitted ahead of the bullet faster than the speed of sound. You would see light from the side of the car, again just like you hear sound spreading out from the side of the bullet. You have to be traveling along with the car at it's velocity otherwise you will just see a flash.
Then Jackie also asked whether things really had color. The answer is..No. Color is a result of a surface reflecting light - the color is in the light not the surface. If we have no light everything is black - which is the absence of color.
Finally the big question was: What's beyond the boundary of our universe, assuming it has a boundary. The answer is: It's whatever you imagine it to be in your mind. Just like God is whatever you imagine him to be. Some imagine beyond the boundary is nothing, just like some imagine there is no God. Others imagine it to be another dimension, or Heaven, or the realm of the gods. All these answers represent reality for the mind they come from. The idea there is some other TRUE reality is false. Each observer, or mind, forms a true reality.