SB 13 x 40


Max Shaffer

Guest in Wichita, KS has a South Bend 13 X 40 listed for sale on his web site. $1250? Max
I wouldn't mind having one but that's too far away from East Tennessee. I can't drive that far and shipping would cost more than the machine. Anyone close to East Tennessee let me know.
Would this be a GT36 or something like that, don't remember the number for sure. If so it's a 13x36 and made in Tiland, not a bad machine and a good size for gun work, 1.625 throu hole in the spindle D1 4 spindle lock and can do a short barrel throu the headstock. They are a little light being a bench lathe.
Keep in mind that a 13" SB may have a 4-step pulley main drive. This does give a wider speed range than the 3-step models but it also makes the distance through the headstock about 2" longer.
My 13" south bend has the 3 step pulley and with a buck 4 jaw chuck and an outboard spider I made, I can just fit a 28" blank in it through the headstock. The 4 step model would be a pain to chamber through the headstock.
I have a South Bend 13x40 with the 4-step pulley. Since I have the 4-jaw on the machine this morning, I took a photo. From the face of the jaws to the end of the spindle is about 26". I suppose you could squeeze an inch out with a smaller 4-jaw.

I chamber in the steady, generally holding the muzzle in a 5C collet, so the spindle length does not bother me. This is the reverse of that set-up for crowning. There is plenty of bed length to do what you need to do.

$1250 is a good price if the lathe is in good condition. I probably have $5000 in my maching with all the tooling.
