Nice little mill. But TRA is right, there is very little that gets by machinery dealers, they know exactly what something is worth. And what it is not worth.
It is amazing how some particular machines seem to always command a high end price for what you get, (Bridgeport Mills, Monarch EE Lathes), while others are barely worth what the scrap price for cast iron is.
We have a big ole LeBlond NR, 52" swing, 40' bed, twin carriage, a really nice lathe that does an excellent job in our line of work. But, I could buy one just like it for about $20,000, there is simply not much a market for these huge manual lathes any more, unless you are in a niche industry such as we are in.
A number of years ago, a large shop closed down over on Grteens Bayou. They also did marine work. The final machine that they had was a huge Verticle Boring Mill, (a Niles), that would swing about 20 feet. The thing was literally built into concrete the floor. The Machinery Broker said that any body could have it if they would just come and get it out and take it awaqy.. They had no takers. They finally ended up hiring a crew that literally used carbon arc gougers to cut it up into pieces small enough to haul out and to the scrap yard.
Always remember, with that little Bridgeport, you are buying a name as much as anything. There are multitudes of used little mills, (other brands), such as Lagun, Enco, that you can get for less and will do exactly the same thing.
But then, they are not a Bridgeport............jackie