Savage RBLP 6mm Ackley Varmint Rifle

Its not fair !!!!!!

Here in queer Kalifornia we have Rock Chucks in the high mountains. But their tough to find. I wonder why there isn't in Praie dogs,ground hogs,or wood chucks? Its not fair...................
Here in queer Kalifornia we have Rock Chucks in the high mountains. But their tough to find. I wonder why there isn't in Praie dogs,ground hogs,or wood chucks? Its not fair...................
Well at least you have nice weather.Do you hunt rockchucks alot?It's a shame you have nothing else to shoot with that nice 6-284:eek:I have some real good spots for chucks,I usually shoot from 10-25 in a afternoon.:D
Too tough to find,with the amount of time I have.

I prefer coyote hunting. They're all over providing you have a general idea of how to hunt them. Its a 4 to 8 hour drive to rock chuck country. Plus lots of hikers where there at. Bringing rifle into the area even though its legal will get libreal screaming "Murderer"" Killer"
I prefer coyote hunting. They're all over providing you have a general idea of how to hunt them. Its a 4 to 8 hour drive to rock chuck country. Plus lots of hikers where there at. Bringing rifle into the area even though its legal will get libreal screaming "Murderer"" Killer"
We don't have any anti hunters around my area we do have cross country skiers but they are not allowed on the trails till deer season is over.I have a 300 yard range in my back yard and thousands of acres of state land within walking distance,we hunt coyotes with dogs in the winter and in the fall i hunt them at night with a foxpro call and a lightforce light on my gun,i call fox in also.The deer hunting is great I very seldom see another hunter in the woods.The best woodchuck hunting is an 1 hour drive.The only bad thing is the snow,We get lake effect snow from lake ontario and sometimes get 4 ft in one night. Take care good luck hunting
Small but cool Post Office

I did a search on your town. Showed picture of your Post Office. What a cool town you must live in. Have you ever caught a Muskie? Northern Pike? Do those fish taste good? Is it humid there? Tons of History every where I bet .
I did a search on your town. Showed picture of your Post Office. What a cool town you must live in. Have you ever caught a Muskie? Northern Pike? Do those fish taste good? Is it humid there? Tons of History every where I bet .
I'm surprized you found Orwell, it is a small town,in it's day it had 23 sawmills there is ghostowns allover,alot of the backroads are named after towns that are long gone,as I walk through the woods hunting there are foundations of houses from the 1800s and stone walls everywhere,Alot of the wood that built new york city and other large cities came from here,every town had at least 15 sawmills They cut so much wood there was nowhere left for the animals to hide .Spring ,summer, and fall are nice here,it only gets humid when the temp goes over 90 which is not too often the summer average temp is high 70s - low 80s . Deer season starts sept 27th and goes to dec 2nd.Around Orwell and boyleston it was great bear country but they shot them all, there was one guy in the orwell history book named bill fox and it shows a pic of him standing there with a bear and he is holding a 45-90 winchester and he said he shot a bear a day. and they also shot all the deer in fact the deer season was closed for 40 years. But the deer hunting is great now a average mature buck dresses out over 200 lbs .I was a charter captain and guide for 15 years. I caught alot of northerns and some muskies and small and largemouth bass but I mainly fished for King salmon,cohoes,brown trout,rainbows and steelhead.The biggest salmon was 44lbs and I caught a 22lb brown,Rainbow 17 lbs and a steelhead that was 40 inches long and 23lbs.
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Woodchucks a.k.a. marmota monax

The woodchucks are alot bigger than a p dog like rochchucks and can really take a hit,I hit one with a 220 swift at 300 and it cut him in half and he crawled to the hole before i could put another one in him!he was probably 8 lbs and crawled 15ft on his front legs to his hole there was a 2ft blood trail to his hole.I shot some big ones that were around 14lbs,but the 243 cal bullets work better than the 22 cals on the bigger chucks and better for long range. Good luck Shoot em up

I have killed a fair number of PA groundhogs over the years and their ability to take major damage and still make it back to their holes is incredible. My goal is to drop them and put them down hard but they are a tough critter and don't always want to go along with the program. Many times, I've found them dead right inside their hole. I use everything from a .17HMR, .223, .22-250 AI, .243 AI, to a .308 at varying distances.
What are the politics of your towns folk

Only in the cities is Ca liberal . Sticks its right wing conservative . So logging mills shut down . What do most people do for work? I'd like to visit your slice of America. I love the Sierra Mountains and the high desert of Nevada. Have you ever been out west in Ca? I wonder how much an outta state license is in NY? I'd love to take out a few Wood Chucks.............
I have killed a fair number of PA groundhogs over the years and their ability to take major damage and still make it back to their holes is incredible. My goal is to drop them and put them down hard but they are a tough critter and don't always want to go along with the program. Many times, I've found them dead right inside their hole. I use everything from a .17HMR, .223, .22-250 AI, .243 AI, to a .308 at varying distances.
Hi Chino A chuck can take a hit and still move better than any critter I ever shot.I grew up in Scranton,P.A. had 3 gunshops there and shot many PA groundhogs but i never seen as many chucks as there are here, in the spring when the grass isn't too high you see over a hundred a day,alot of corn this year and high grass, some fields were cut the last time i went some were not but i still shot 14,i moved up here in 1986 to run a charter boat.Where you from in PA
Only in the cities is Ca liberal . Sticks its right wing conservative . So logging mills shut down . What do most people do for work? I'd like to visit your slice of America. I love the Sierra Mountains and the high desert of Nevada. Have you ever been out west in Ca? I wonder how much an outta state license is in NY? I'd love to take out a few Wood Chucks.............
The mills shut down around 1910 but there is still alot of loggers here and people make money on the tourists the fishing is big buisness, lake ontario is like a freshwater ocean it's like 250 miles long by 75 miles wide. Boating, atvs and hunting are money makers and in the winter there are 1000s of miles of groomed trails for snowmobiles, they come from all over the country for it, and alot of people work in the city.The farthest west I've been is yellowstone park,I went there after sturgis bike week in south dakota.It was real nice seeing yellowstone on my harley.I think a big game license is 125.00 and small game around 50.00. I'll
have to look it up and let you know.
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