Auto paint supply stores should carry "sharp sand" for blasting. $6 or $7 a 50 pound bag.
NIC Industries, the distributor for Cerakote recommends aluminum oxide for blasting in preparation for Cerakoting. Glass beads may work but I've always followed their instructions. Tractor Supply sells blasting media.Head for the store that sells paints and supplies to the auto body shops.
I do not use sand, instead I use glass beads. Nice satin finish.
Never used Robar but have Cerakoted dozens of rifles with nary a problem. I tell people that Cerakote is tougher than woodpecker lips.
Don't get Mickey started. Next thing you know, he'll be selling you porcupine eggs!
not to get too personal here, but you know this how?
i love egss. i can eat a ton of them. an actual ton...
You're gonna be easy, I can tell. Like I heard Wilbur say of Brady Knight, "He's so easy it's like clubbing baby seals.....he just looks at you and blinks."
Do you mean to enter into conversations on this forum that is populated with knowledgeable shooters/gunsmiths and have never Rockwelled woodpecker lips?
When you are more experienced then feel free to get back in touch with us.
All I can do is advise you to steer clear of termites....but they really aren't too interested in toothpicks.Alas, here in the So Cal desert, we have no woodpeckers... we do have wood peckers however. Will that do?