San Angelo Gun Clubs 1st Registered NBRSA VFS Shoot


wolf gray

We are holding our first Registered VFS Shoot this coming Sunday, June 13th.
Match starts at 9:00 am. San Angelo Gun Club is located at 8055 Hwy. 853(Arden Road), just west of the city of San Angelo, Texas . Will shoot VFS & Hunter Class. 100 yard & 200 yard.
Dan Batko
Match Director
Thanks Dan. Since I hunt in this area, we planned a trip to the lease this weekend so we could come out and shoot with you guys. Never been to San Angelo to shoot. Any way you could post some pics of the range to that we have a good idea what to expect?
Joe- Thanks

P1ZombieKiller- I don't have any pictures of the range. Maybe one of the club members has some they can post, I will check. I can tell you we have 20 nice benches(12 we just built in the last 2 weeks and are being installed tomorrow). The line is concrete floor and is covered. We have a 100 yard and 200 yard line,scoring building and a nice porta potty(I had them change it out last week) :) We will be taking orders for great tasting bbq sanwiches from the Packsaddle BBQ. We look forward to seeing you this weekend.
I went out to the range today and took some pictures of the new benches being installed but I can't figure out a way to get them added to my post.

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"

Figured out how to post pictures, I think


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The benches are 4" concrete tops with steel plate imbedded into the concrete, welded to 4" square steel tubing frames, bolted down to the concrete floor. They are are solid as a rock and arn't going anywhere. See you Sunday.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
San Angelo Gun Club


Thanks for posting the great pictures. San Angelo is a top notch facility. I'll give it two thumbs up!!! :)
Nice looking facility. Nice looking benches. Can you back your vehicle up to the line ... like we do in Austin ???

I don't know how you do it in Austin but we can back up to the 16" wide bench at the back of the firing line in San Angelo.

Dan has had us working like dogs to fix up the range for the match. We have 12 new benches bringing the total to 20. These are state of the art benches that will equal any at any range in the country. We have extended the the targets on the 200 yard line. We have cleaned everything up and mowed the weeds so you can see the snakes as they come at you and as a final touch, we air conditioned the firing line.

Well most of that is true and the air conditioned part makes a good story.:)

Come on over and shoot with us Sunday.

Concho Bill
Bill ...

Here's how we do it in Austin. Really convenient. ;)


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You have a good looking range also. Seeing photos of different ranges and sharing ideas is a big help. We chose to put a bench across the back of our range when we rebuilt the canopy a few years ago. We did this by putting an exterior MDF product cut 16" wide on the top of two 8" "C" perlings. This is very handy for holding our stuff behind our bench and it works great for passing our stuff from the vehicle to the bench. I think we have a wider concrete floor on our range. Our floor is ten feet wide and I think it would be better if it were even wider.

Our benches are unique in that they are moveable. I am not clamming that they are portable but they are moveable. The last twelve benches that we built have an adjustable seat on them for those members who do not have there own drum seat. Like Dan said, these benches are as solid as a dollar. You would just have to come shoot on them to appreciate them.

Concho Bill
You can back up to the line. As Bill Wynne(our local Super Moderator and #1 Worker Bee) says, there is a 16" wide bench(shelf) that you can unload your stuff on. I also will have the smaller range next to the scoring shack reserved that Sunday for anyone that wants to reload there at the range. It has shooting benches and is covered and a concrete floor.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
When I reload at the range I usually use that back bench(shelf) to reload on. It's about waist high and real handy to reload and then just step forward to your bench.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
This is my 3rd attempt to reply. I keep getting logged out.
Well, the ones that showed up had a good time. Our out of towner(Robert Rongero) took the 100 yard, Tymn Combest took the 200 and Grand. We had 5 shooters! The 4 locals were Tymn Combest, Eddie Williams, John Porman and myself. One person had a family get sick and had to go to the doctor, several family members had a family reunion, one had a flat on his truck at the deer lease and couldn't get here in time. I was disappointed in the turnout but after talking to Scott Hunter who said Austin had 5 shooters for its 1st shoot and the Crawfish had 6 or 7 I didn't feel so bad. The target crew did a great job, Tymn Combest ran the computer and worked up a program for the shoot, my wife went to the Packsaddle BBQ joint for sandwiches and Eddie, Tymn and I did scoring. I don't know how good the Match Director did, the survey is not in yet! :)
We let Bill Wynne run the bull horn and now I don't think we will be able to get it away from him :)
Well, anyway we have done all the "heavy lifting" (building 12 new benches, extending the 200 yard line and maintainence so we are ready for the September 12th VFS Match.
Are you coming to Seymour this weekend?

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Glenn...Millersview is just a short jump to San Angelo...maybe 40 miles....I guess you were overwhelmed by the big city of Doole..:D
A friendly reminder when in Millersview..."don't drink the water" may glow at night..:eek:

Eddie in San Angelo,Texas
Let me borrow a famous Winston Churchill quote. "Never was so much owed by so many to so few" Well maybe not the perfect comparison.

I can imagine that this was a monumental project to get this range up and running. Shows what a few action oriented people can accomplish.

The first match attendance numbers don't matter. The five shooters that showed up for the first ever registered match at San Angelo, marks the beginning of good things to come for the sport. We now have another place to shoot in Texas. Thanks for all the time and energy put into this project.

Eddie, you're so right about the water in Millersview and surrounding areas. Somehow,Deer season seems to makes up for the bad taste.

Thank you very much Glenn. Coming from one who has done so much at our club that is a great complement.

Of course, Dan got this last round of improvement going but fairness requires that others are added to your list. Gary Dickson did all the welding for the last 12 benches plus furnished a tractor, forklift welder and cutting torch at the range. Those who worked on the concrete benches were J. D. Dennis, Steve Keim, John Pormann, Jack Kemp, Eddie Williams, and me. Dan Batko and Gary Dickson painted the benches. The grass at the range was cut by John Pormann who started at 7:30 AM on the day that the benches were set and then he helped us set the benches.

This was an combined effort between the Centerfire shooters and the Rimfire shooters. We are all proud of our club and we want to leave it better than when we found it. I am sure that others can say the same about their clubs.

Concho Bill
Bill is right. He forgot to mention that the concrete benches were built is his shop and he furnished the forms and is a big help to the club. Gary Dickson did a heck of a job with the welding and quite a bit of other stuff. Everybody pulled together and made it happen. A lot gets done when older guys(22 rimfire shooters) and younger guys(centerfire shooters) get organized. :) I'm sure I forgot something!

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"