Salem, NY USARB Indoor Scoreline match Sunday, 1/17


New member
The Salem Pistol and Rifle Club will host our first USARB Scoreline match of the year next Sunday, Jan. 17th. The range will be open at 8:30am for registration and we will start the match at 9:30. We have the range until at least 1pm and if time permits we will shoot a second 3 target match. All USARB classes are welcome!
Todd Banks
Still in Texas

I don't know how long I will be in TX , but if home by next Sat and the weather is good will make the trip. Will let you know by Fri night.


Even though I feel I've finally figure out my RAW and would love to do more testing, I won't be there. Still screwing around with trying to be able to drive more than an hour or so before cramping up, not to mention feeling like crap most of the rest of the time. Maybe, hopefully, next match.

Paul, hope you can make it! They've downgraded the storm forecast for Saturday so hopefully the weather will be decent enough for you to make the trip.

Dave, I'm planning on holding matches the third Sunday of every month from now on so we'll see you whenever you feel up to it. I'm also thinking about hosting another Northeast Regional Championship this year, details still in the works!
I won't be able to make this match as I'm going to Ray's offhand shoot tomorrow. However since you will be holding more i'll be sure to attend a couple.

I thought I wouldn't have much opportunity to shoot this off season but with your matches, pauls, and what seems to be an offhand match every month whether it was the winter safari last weekend and the blue balls coming up in feb i'm happy and staying in practice.

Thanks for holding the shoots Todd and Paul.