Safety glasses anyone?



seeing how ive read about Mr. Tinkham and having a prostetic eye myself (still got the right one thank god!) also given the fact that almost EVERYONE of us shoots hand loads. adn how easy it is to have a lapse of judgement. how many of you actually wear you safety glasses when you shoot?

not trying to bash anyone here because to be honest even my one-eyed a$$ only wears them for the first few rounds of a new load, and when i shoot steel. just curious. im betting almost no one wears them let alone the whole time, everytime.
Bet I do.

My prescription spectacles are worn pretty much all the time. In consideration of the collateral need for shooting safety, they're of the appropriate grade of plastic & because I shoot scopes, they're nonreflective coated both sides. As I thought about it to start with, they go from eyebrow to cheekbone - they're an old pair of shooting frames with replacement lenses. They have antiscratch qualities too, because I'm inclined to be slapdash occasionally & wipe things with the tail of my t shirt.

Myopia sufferers of the world unite! :cool:
very good idea! but perscriptions dont count, you have to wear them to shoot properly. i meant more of the folks who would be wearing them just for safety. but agian very good foresight on getting the proper lenses and frames.

for everyones information high impact safety glasses (most of them are) are rated to take a 1/4" ball bearing at 150fps. which actually as i typed that it dawned on me that if a rifle explodes on you the parts are gonna be bigger and most likley moving faster than that. not sure if shooting safety glasses are rated higher but if i had to guess id say no. either way its a damn good idea to wear em
We put on eye and hearing protection before leaving the car when we visit the range. I've only got one set of eyes and I need them for a long time to come.

I've pulled plenty of crud out of my eyes over the years, but as I get older I'm trying to get smarter. So now there is a set of goggles hanging on the weed wacker and another with the circular saw.
seeing how ive read about Mr. Tinkham and having a prostetic eye myself (still got the right one thank god!) also given the fact that almost EVERYONE of us shoots hand loads. adn how easy it is to have a lapse of judgement. how many of you actually wear you safety glasses when you shoot?

not trying to bash anyone here because to be honest even my one-eyed a$$ only wears them for the first few rounds of a new load, and when i shoot steel. just curious. im betting almost no one wears them let alone the whole time, everytime.

I can't imagine pulling ANY trigger without my safety glasses and I have pulled some triggers in the last 30yrs. NEVER without glasses.

We don't let anyone shoot our range without them.


I think the best thing that happened to me was I have to wear glasses all the time if I want to see anything... so they are on if I am awake... they have stopped all sorts of debris while working in the shop... and a bit of gas from leaky primers.
You caught me out tpende.

Yea call me idiot, but the truth is rarely, if ever, and never with shot guns in the field. A very high % of my shooting is 12 g on small game and crop protection, with guns ranging from English s. x. s double side lock, ex hammers, to Mossberg bolt 3" 36" barrel goose gun. I load pressure wise to suit action types and probably fool myself to think my eyes are safe.
I do not wear corrective lenses ,and have good eye sight (better hind than fore) well worth protecting, I am sure, but even sunnies bug me and dont wear them much.
Like you, I wear safety glasses for rifle load developement, but then feel safe later after nothing blew up.
Who wears them while reloading ??? Me rarely if ever.
Where I do wear them,is
Handling ag. chemicals or acid.
Angle grinder 99.8%
Lathe - metal and wood.
Blacksmithing - at the forge.
Cold chisel
Breaking concrete.
or wherever my risk analysis prompts me to .
When thinking about it there are lots of times that we should but don't.
Never realy felt threatened by gun's , DUMB huh ?

One of a family of cutting tools built for frustration enhancement. It transforms human energy into a crooked, unpredictable motion, and the more you attempt to influence it's course, the more dismal your future becomes.
I wear prescription glasses and have often wondered just how good they would be for 'the bad one'?

I have a pair of frames with just lenses (no correction) for scopes. Maybe that is foolish??

Any one?
im a hippocrate

i love that hacksaw definition. hahahaha.
yeah im a maint. tech. for a very large machine shop as well as a machinist myself and ive lost count of how many times safety specs have saved my good eye at work. as for sticking my tounge out for the chips to land on while turning, i still need t work on that

good call on the wearing them while reloading though. i dont, but im very careful when seating primers with my hand tool. still they should be worn.
I wear prescription glasses and have often wondered just how good they would be for 'the bad one'?

I have a pair of frames with just lenses (no correction) for scopes. Maybe that is foolish??

Any one?

look very carefully on the lens of your glasses if they have a little + sign in the corner they are safety rated. if not then its your judgement obviously depending on how thick the lens and frame are, what they're made of, and most inportantly how well the lens are attatched to the frames

naturally anything inbetween your eyes and the bad stuff is better than nothing at all.

I have made a mistake a few times of removing the glasses during a ceasefire in hot weather and then firing a shot without them on.

Thankfully nothing ever happened during those lapses of safety awareness.
This is so funny,

About 6-8yrs ago my dad was ridiculing me for wearing my protection while mowing my lawn....... riding mower. He proclaimed to one and all that I was now officially a "city boy".

Not a year ago he was bragging all around to the family about what a great idea it was! "Yup, Al doesn't even move the tractor or mow his lawn without wearing his eyes and ears..."

Times change......except for stupid.

"Ignorance is curable, Stupidity is forever"

I've had my glasses impacted and burned 5 times while shooting and countless times otherwise. I was tuning up one of my BR's on Labor Day.... (actually re-testing some old loads) and popped a primer. This pertickler one gave me a red half-moon on the cheek, right under the edge of the glasses......


Man, I just can't let this one go ......... not referring to any particular post but HOW CAN ANYONE not value their gift of vision??? Every time the subject comes up I'm reminded that lots of folks just scoff it off..... I've PERSONALLY had my vision literally saved by glasses. My 22 yr-old son bounced a hunk of steel off his glasses recently. Gouged the glasses right on line with his eyeball.....wrecked the lens, can't see for the distraction of the gouge, but the eye is fine.

And on the ear thing..... I'm 46 and all my peers are going deaf, can't hear the liddle birds anymore..... WHY????


no BS even after i lost it, Ive had at least two occasions where i could have lost that eye anyway one while using a chainsaw and a golf ball size knot just smoked me right in the safety glasses knocking them off my face. and another occasion where a grinder wheel blew up on me, and threw chunks in my face. and one about 8 months ago similar to the one described above that was actually over my good eye where my co-worker was cutting a 4 foot piece of 1 1/2" angle iron off a rack and it swung down and hit me directly over my right eye leaving a nice inch long deep gouge in my safety glasses. needless to say he apologized quite readily

but i was wearing high impact safety glasses on all three of these. and after writing this and thinking back about it. i may have to put corks on all my flat wear and prolly start wearing them during sex as well. just to be safe :)
I have been required to wear safety glasses on my job for 27+ years now so it's just a habit that I wear them almost the time, shooting or not. Even my sunglasses have safety lenses. I have old coffee cans to hold them hanging on the drill press, grinder, bandsaw, and other places around the garage. I keep extra pairs in my shooting bag and range box just in case someone else needs them. Also keep extra ear protection on hand. My grandson has his own kid-sized glasses and ear muffs. Get 'em in the habit while they're young.

On Safety Glasses

Having sex while wearing ear and eye protection is pretty strange,is it a private thing or is there a partner involved? Would sure like to be a fly on your ceiling! Personally I am guilty of not wearing eye protection but will try to change my ways. Reguards Murphy.:confused:
Although slightly OT, I have worked in the music industry for 25+ years (could it really be that long?) as an instrument tech. For most of that time I have worn earplugs.

The best part is when some young "popstar" runs off stage at the end of a set and says something like "Man! How good was that?" - I merely remove my earplugs and apologise for not listening...

The sound of a deflating ego is a curious thing.
