Rust Spots !


I just got around to taking my rifle out of the soft case after last years deer season.I found a couple of small rust spots on the barrel and action(blued).What's the best way to deal with them? I tried to rub them out with Hoppes,cloths,fingernail,popsicle stick, etc. It helped a little bit but they're still there.I'm trying not to get to aggressive.
Any help would be appreciated.
A rust spot underneath will be a pit of missing steel. Oil it and live with it for now and don't store your rifle in a gun case. You may be lucky it isn't worse. The gun case will absorb any oil you may have on the steel and let natural humidity rust the metal quite easily.

The definition of "rust" is iron oxide. That means, as Dennis said, what used to be steel is now rust. Take the rust away, and you have a hole.

Fine steel wool and some cold blue might help. But this sort of goes under the heading of something you tery never to let happen.

Don't feelbad. I have a nice 70's vintage Rossi side by side 12 gage rabbit ear "coach gun" that I keep in my Motor Home. It stays stored under the bed. Which is just over the engine. I looked at it for the first time in about 3 years a couple of weeks ago, and both barrels are now a pretty shade of Brown. At least the bores are ok.........jackie
Dennis is right about the gun case. The case has absorbed moisture in the field or some place and the gun may have had a bit of moisture on it when you put it away. Sealed in the case the moisture condenses on the colder steel .
Gun storage methods has a lot to do with the formation of rust.
If the rust is light surface stuff gently scrub with very fine steel wool and oil.
Always dry out your gun cases in the sun after a hunt and let the gun stand in a warm dry place to air off any moisture then Grease it not oil.
Oil is useless in my opinion for long term storage , say until next season.
Get a shaving brush and apply a good bearing grease or something like that using the shaving brush . Apply a good film over all the metal and use the brush bristles to get grease in every nook and cranny . A film not great clobs off grease.
Sometimes if your gun has been out in rain or snow or swamp conditions and you are not going to use it for a long while it is advisable to remove it from the stock and dry out the inside of the stock and dry and grease the under metal . However stay away from the trigger and the bedding areas with the grease.
Then later sight it back in again at the range or where ever.
Grease does not run off or wick away like oil does and it dries very slowly .
We are talking longer term storage here but this is what I do for every day use of blued hunting rifles . I just wipe of the excess grease with a cloth before I use the gun.
Grease is cheap and easy to find locally.
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Jackie nudged my memory.

Here in Australia, like you guys, we travel long distances over climatic regions to attend shoots. One of the biggest pitfalls happens when guys come from the cool country up here to shoot in early spring when we have hot days & cool nights.

The moisture that has collected in the foam in their gun cases back home vaporises nicely during the day in the trunk of their cars, then precipitates on the cool rifle as things chill off during the night. It's amazing how much moisture can collect on ironware overnight & how quickly blued parts that have had regular handling will brown up.

My recommended solution is to toss the foam in a dryer with enough towels before travelling.
A product in a spray can called Mold Shield is a good long term storage product. It sprays on wet and thin, it dries in about one minute and leaves a greasey film on everything it's sprayed on. It does not rub off easy without a sollevent. Tool and die makers use it to prevent rust during storage and shipping.
Rust Prevention

EEZOX, it works. I use it on my duck guns and they get a lot of use and abuse.
OOOO Steel wool and Oil.

This work great for light rust. I keep a baggie with a oil treated rag in my gun case and wipe everything down with it went I put the gun back into the case.