Rolling Pellets?

Pete Wass

Well-known member
perhaps we need a forum for dumb questions but, alas, there isn't one so what is involved with rolling pellets, what does one look for and what is achieved by the process? Thanks, Pete
I introduced the original Yrrah Roll concept in about 2004. It has been through some iterations. If you open this reference posted last year you should get the idea.
It is extremely difficult to head size pellets with calipers or micrometers and get an accurate result for batching. Not impossible, but nearly so. My roll method allows discrimination batching for head size without measuring (though the actual size can easily be derived). ... Why do it? It is generally believed that head size is important and that groups are generally tighter if all pellets are the same and the size is the correct one for the particular barrel. .... There are also some other spin-offs from the process.

You may like to read down to my responses in the thread, particularly the answers to "Pilkguns" "questions". ( He never did acknowledge my effort to give detailed answers despite being given a heads-up ).,+Tony,+Herb,++and+all+interested

Kind regards, Harry (Yrrah) in OZ.
Thank You Harry,

Being quite new with Airguns, I don't have much history to work with in regard to knowing what has been done , what is available and what might be. I appreciate your taking time to post this.
