Roll tide!!!

I bet Joe Namath wanted to kiss Nick Saban after that game. Regardless of the latter's success, he's still a lying SOB. A great coach, but a damned liar. :)
Unless there was something very pressing. I"m sure that he was(probally still is) a big Alabama fan years ago. :D Especially when they were playing Tennessee.

I'm an Alabama fan. On any Saturday, you'll find me rootin' for Alabama and whoever is playing Tennessee.

I did lose a fridge pack of cokes ("dopes" as they used to call them in Alabama) on the game. I thought it would be a nail biter and took the points. Won half those back on other bets but still at a deficit. If it had been an 8 point game I'd be all set.

I particularly enjoyed the post game comments ......

Roll Tide
Maybe the University of Louisville should have played Alabama for the championship.:eek:
Even as a "Yankee" I like Alabama and they are definitely in a league of their own. Notre Dame got "educated" and the post-game comments about having to go up to the next level is a lot different than what they were saying for weeks before the game. Don't know the Tide "believe" Saban, but they sure do "believe in him".
Even as a "Yankee" I like Alabama.

Reed, you strike me as a real gentleman. I remember tent camping on Lake Champlain, and driving through Vermont -- making a special effort to go by Larry Benoit's house.
Hi Hunter:

Thanks for the kind words but they probably put you in a small minority. I've met Larry at a few gun shows and he certainly is an interesting guy. My home is in what is called the "Northeast Kingdom" here in VT, about 80 miles from Lake Champlain on the NH side of the state and 35 miles from the Canadian border. If you ever get back up this way, would love to at least have a coffee with you.

I bet against Alabama once in 1969 when we played Ol Miss and they had Archie Manning as their QB. That was a mistake because we beat them 33-32 and Archie threw for 436 yds and ran for 104 yds.for 540 total yds. This was an SEC record until 9-29-12 when Texas A&M's Johnny Football had 553 yds against Arkansas.
Roll Tide,
Mark K
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I did well through the first post in this thread, but I got lost after the word liar showed up. Then I read an article from 6 years ago! What does 'liar' and the 6 year old article have to do with the Alabama and Notre Dame football game?
I did well through the first post in this thread, but I got lost after the word liar showed up. Then I read an article from 6 years ago! What does 'liar' and the 6 year old article have to do with the Alabama and Notre Dame football game?

It has to do with character, for some of us. Nick Saban is a great coach and a damned liar. Alabama fans probably don't care about the latter. Barry Bonds was a great baseball player and a jerk and a steroid user. Some SF Giants fans couldn't care less about anything except his baseball exploits.

For some of us, such athletic exploits are tainted by the character (or lack thereof) of the participants. Roll Tide, or roll over, or roll your eyes. It's your choice.
Bill, you just don't get it, do you? Butch, do you realize that the Aggies only lost two games this season and those losses were by a total of 8 points?
Roll Aggies

I don't care what nobody says, The Texas A&M Aggies got the best College Football team in the Nation this year. I watched em beat Bama.

They will be tougher next year.

Chism, I'm glad you feel that way. That is the game I would loved to have seen for the National Title Texas A&M vs Alabama.

However I also watched a few Aggie games, I watched LSU ( they finished 14th in the nation) beat A&M, and low a behold danged if I didn't see Miami do the same thing to the Aggies and they ended up at 9th in the Nation. So maybe the Aggies just wern't up to the task of getting there. Huuummm???

A&M may be tougher next year they sure better be when they play Bama. It is "Roll Tide" not roll over so I imagine Bama is going to be pretty tough thereself.:eek::eek:

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