@Fuj The threaded rod through the bridge?? A support or stop or ???
What prompted you to do this?
It's an anti brain fart device.....My guns run at 22 lbs. and have a real good
balance set up on the counter weight springs. I just swap rifles and go. Early
on when I first started using the rest, I noticed the bridge was drifting down,
then it got to the point that I ran out of joy stick to cover a UBR or IBS target.
I'd grab the adjustment rod (handy) loosen the lock down screw, raise the
bridge, then lock it back down. I rechecked all the setting screws and knobs
at the back of the bridge everything good to go and took it to it's first UBR
match......Half way thru the match, the bridge drifted down and running out
of time. I was able to use the rod and raise it again in time......Simply put, I
needed more tension on the drag screw on the back of that square post, and
remember to lock down the front screw......At that point, I decided to come up
with a "positive" stop method that would ensure bridge drift would never happen
again.......I actually have two of those screws. One on either side of the top.
As for wanting to run a 6" bag ?? Been looking at that and have it on the bucket
list. One nightmare at a time, but i think it can be done.