Runnin' Along
Sep '17 Match Report
Now that Roger and Phyliss Avery have gotten grandbaby #6 into the world okay (see post #20 above) they joined us again today -- and Phyliss outdid herself (again) fixing lunch for us -- with Charlie Hood's help. Phyliss had oversized hotdogs, sides and deserts to go along with ribs fixed by Charlie. Thanks to both of you.
We had 11 shooters today for the 100/200 yd group match. The temperature in the shade was about 59° when we started shooting and about 77° when we finished.
Charlie Hood won four of the matches, Joe Bougard won three, and Scott Dittman, Miles Gibby and Bill Griffith each won match. Charlie and Scott both had screamers at 100 yds; Charlie had a .055 and a .090, and Scott had a .088. Joe Bougard had the small group at 200 yds with a .301.
The top agg finishers were:
100 yds
Charlie Hood -- .1444 (shooting a 30BR)
Scott Dittman -- .1502
Roger Avery -- .2466
200 yds
Joe Bougard -- .3189
Charlie Hood -- .3191
Scott Dittman -- .3593
Grand Agg
Charlie Hood -- .2318
Scott Dittman -- .2548
Joe Bougard -- .2846
In factory class, Dave Rabin won both yardages and the grand agg with scores of .5144, .7133 and .6139, respectively
I assume Charlie took home the most money for having won the grand agg.
Thanks to Jim Andress for running the match (and helping Scott score), Scott Dittman for scoring, Wayne Hunt for helping with the targets, those of you who helped move the target frames, and to all the shooters for being there. It was a nice day!
Now that Roger and Phyliss Avery have gotten grandbaby #6 into the world okay (see post #20 above) they joined us again today -- and Phyliss outdid herself (again) fixing lunch for us -- with Charlie Hood's help. Phyliss had oversized hotdogs, sides and deserts to go along with ribs fixed by Charlie. Thanks to both of you.
We had 11 shooters today for the 100/200 yd group match. The temperature in the shade was about 59° when we started shooting and about 77° when we finished.
Charlie Hood won four of the matches, Joe Bougard won three, and Scott Dittman, Miles Gibby and Bill Griffith each won match. Charlie and Scott both had screamers at 100 yds; Charlie had a .055 and a .090, and Scott had a .088. Joe Bougard had the small group at 200 yds with a .301.
The top agg finishers were:
100 yds
Charlie Hood -- .1444 (shooting a 30BR)
Scott Dittman -- .1502
Roger Avery -- .2466
200 yds
Joe Bougard -- .3189
Charlie Hood -- .3191
Scott Dittman -- .3593
Grand Agg
Charlie Hood -- .2318
Scott Dittman -- .2548
Joe Bougard -- .2846
In factory class, Dave Rabin won both yardages and the grand agg with scores of .5144, .7133 and .6139, respectively
I assume Charlie took home the most money for having won the grand agg.
Thanks to Jim Andress for running the match (and helping Scott score), Scott Dittman for scoring, Wayne Hunt for helping with the targets, those of you who helped move the target frames, and to all the shooters for being there. It was a nice day!