Will Durant
I cast my vote with Shorty.Will
I cast my vote with Shorty.Will
Try your two extremes together in four or six shot groups and see if they are worse than the normal.
Concho Bill
I've seen tests that say it does/can help, and tests that say it doesn't/can't.
Are you going to notice a .25" difference? Are you going to notice a 0.025" difference?
Sorting by rim thickness used to make a big difference.
In the past on another forum, I have presented statistically data in a number of experiments that showed there was no difference when sorting by weight to anything close to a 95% confidence level. In one experiment, I presented data using Eley Club, Eley Match, Wolf Match Target and Lapua Super Club. The highest confidence level I got was P = .778 that there was a difference. I was accused of not knowing how to perform statistical tests and in the case of the Eley Match, the unsorted actually had slightly smaller groups than the sorted and Shorty accused me of fudging the data because his pre concieved notion was that that could not happen. Since I spent a career of designing, running and evaluating experiments for the semiconductor industry, I thought I knew how to evaluate experiments but Shorty convinced me that I didn't so the data was removed.
As he pointed out, you either believe or you don't and no amount of hard data will change your mind. But let one guy claim "I got better groups sorting ammo X by ....." and some will jump on the band wagon. I guess on cold winter nights, it is better than drinking yourself into a stupor.
Just My honest opinion because I no longer present facts.